scrbook 中带有背景图像的内容标题

scrbook 中带有背景图像的内容标题





\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
    anchor=north west,
    inner sep=0pt,
] at (current page.north west) {\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{figure1.jpg}};

\draw[anchor=west] (current page.north west) node [
        anchor=north west,
        line width=2pt,
        rounded corners=10pt,
        fill opacity=0.6,
        text opacity=1,
        inner ysep=12.5pt,
        inner xsep=20pt,
        align=flush left,
        text width=1.2\linewidth,
        ] {}; 



有趣的是,当我在 MWE 中使用相同的代码时,我得到了另一个结果:


以下是 MWE:

\usetikzlibrary{decorations, decorations.pathmorphing, decorations.pathreplacing}
%% command to print the actual minitoc ---------------------------------------------
            \node[  anchor=south,
                    inner ysep=12.5pt, % Inner vertical padding
                    inner xsep=20pt, % Inner horizontal padding
                    align=flush left, % Text alignment inside box
                  ](s) at (current page.south) {%
            \draw[bottom color = blue!80, top color= blue!10, draw=blue!60,fill opacity=0.1,decorate, decoration={random steps,segment length=3pt,amplitude=1pt},line width=1.25pt] (s.north west) rectangle (s.south east);

%% command to print the TOC ---------------------------------------------
{\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]%
\draw[fill=blue!60,draw=blue!60,rounded corners=5pt] (-2.8,-.2) rectangle (1,.7);%
\pgftext[left,x=-2.0cm,y=0.2cm]{\color{white}\Large\scshape\bfseries Chapter\ \thecontentslabel};%
{\color{blue!60}\;\dotfill\;\large\scshape\bfseries \thecontentspage}
% \titlerule
{\dotfill\small \thecontentspage}


\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]%
% Output the chapter image
    anchor=north west, % Anchor point on the image
    inner sep=0pt, % Inner padding
] at (current page.north west) {\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{figure1.jpg}};
% Box with the chapter title
\draw[anchor=west] (current page.north west) node [
        anchor=north west, % Anchor point of the chapter box
        xshift=3cm, % Horizontal distance from the left side of the page
        yshift=-5cm, % Vertical distance from the top of the page
        line width=2pt, % Border line thickness
        rounded corners=10pt, % Rounded corners amount
        draw=blue, % Border line color
        fill=black!5, % Box background color
        fill opacity=0.6, % Background transparency
        text opacity=1, % Text transparency
        inner ysep=12.5pt, % Inner vertical padding
        inner xsep=20pt, % Inner horizontal padding
        align=flush left, % Text alignment inside box
        text width=1.2\linewidth, % Box width (wider than page to go off the right side)
        font=\huge\sffamily\bfseries, % Font styling for chapter title
        ] {}; % Chapter title in a fixed width box for wrapping
    \section{Intro 1 - Section 1}
    \section{Intro 1 - Section 2}
    \section{Intro 1 - Section 3}
    \section{Intro 1 - Section 4}
    \section{Intro 1  - Section 5}
    \section{Literature - Section 1}
    \section{Literature - Section 2}
    \section{Literature - Section 3}
    \section{Literature - Section 4}
    \section{Literature - Section 5}



这里很难帮到你,因为你的 MWE 输出结果与原始文件大不相同。因此,我删除了你的代码中的所有内容,只留下了 ToC 标题所需的内容,并专注于这一部分。

您需要将 放置\contentsname在节点内部,而不是下面。不要使用\pgftext,只需将普通宏放置在节点内部。此外,您已经为此节点定义了一些字体样式选项,因此我建议您将所有样式选项放在那里。


tikzpicture最后,由于您使用options将整个标题放在 中remember picture, overlay,因此您需要调整目录标题与目录本身之间的间距,因为由于 options remember picture, overlaytikzpicture没有高度。因此,如果您不添加任何垂直间距,标题可能会与目录条目重叠。


\usetikzlibrary{decorations, decorations.pathmorphing, decorations.pathreplacing}

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]%
% Output the chapter image
\clip (current page.north west) rectangle ([yshift=-9cm]current page.north east);
    anchor=north west, % Anchor point on the image
    inner sep=0pt, % Inner padding
] at (current page.north west) {\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{example-image-a}};
% Box with the chapter title
\draw[anchor=west] (current page.north west) node [
        anchor=north west, % Anchor point of the chapter box
        xshift=3cm, % Horizontal distance from the left side of the page
        yshift=-5cm, % Vertical distance from the top of the page
        line width=2pt, % Border line thickness
        rounded corners=10pt, % Rounded corners amount
        draw=blue, % Border line color
        fill=black!5, % Box background color
        fill opacity=0.6, % Background transparency
        text opacity=1, % Text transparency
        inner ysep=12.5pt, % Inner vertical padding
        inner xsep=20pt, % Inner horizontal padding
        align=flush left, % Text alignment inside box
        text width=1.2\linewidth, % Box width (wider than page to go off the right side)
        font=\Huge\sffamily\scshape\bfseries\color{blue}, % Font styling for chapter title
        ] {%
        }; % Chapter title in a fixed width box for wrapping

