如何在单击某个单词(弹出窗口或框)时制作一个描述框,并且在乳胶中而不是在 beamer 类中再次单击它时该描述框会消失?

如何在单击某个单词(弹出窗口或框)时制作一个描述框,并且在乳胶中而不是在 beamer 类中再次单击它时该描述框会消失?
\documentclass[twoside]{article} % Note: uses twoside option
\usepackage[a4paper, marginparwidth=75pt, total={10cm, 10cm}]{geometry} % To create a small page
\usepackage{hyperref} % To use the \url command (in the footnote)

\section{Lorem Ipsum}
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of reprobating pleasure and extolling pain arose. To do so,    

\tikzstyle{buttonstyle} = [rectangle, draw = black!80,  font={\sffamily\bfseries}, text=black]

\newcommand*{\button}[1]{\tikz{\node[buttonstyle] {#1};}}
Press \button{F5} for help !

  The quick brown fox jumps right over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox 
  jumps right over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumps right over the lazy 
  dog. the quick brown fox jumps right over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox 
  jumps right over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumps right over the lazy 
  dog. the quick brown fox jumps right over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox 
  jumps right over the lazy dog.
