如何更改 VHD 的大小?

如何更改 VHD 的大小?


此 VHD 由 Microsoft Virtual PC 和/或 Microsoft Virtual Server 创建。


你可以下载一个免费的实用程序,叫做VHD 调整器这应该可以简化这项任务。



您可以使用 Microsoft 的 /extend 开关VHD 工具

VHD 工具是一个非托管代码命令行工具,它提供了有用的 VHD 操作功能,包括即时创建大型固定大小的 VHD。包含源代码。


VhdTool.exe /create <FileName> <Size> [/quiet]
VhdTool.exe /convert <FileName> [/quiet]
VhdTool.exe /extend <FileName> <NewSize> [/quiet]

Create: Creates a new fixed format VHD of size <Size>.
        WARNING - this function is admin only and bypasses
        file system security.  The resulting VHD file will
        contain data which currently exists on the physical disk.

Convert: Converts an existing RAW disk image file to a fixed-format VHD.
         The existing file length, rounded up, will contain block data
         A VHD footer is appended to the current end of file.

Extend: Extends an existing fixed format VHD to a larger size <Size>.
         WARNING - this function is admin only and bypasses
         file system security.  The resulting VHD file will
         contain data which currently exists on the physical disk. 
