我想知道是否可以让现有存储库的颠覆时间线信息显示在全新 Trac 安装中?
我现在看到,如果我有一个现有的存储库,Trac 只能看到从安装 Trac 那一刻起的 svn 时间线部分,并且不会显示该时间之前的任何提交。
您可以使用 trac-admin 将 trac 与存储库重新同步。
repository resync <repos> [rev]
Re-synchronize trac with repositories
When [rev] is specified, only that revision is synchronized. Otherwise, the
complete revision history is synchronized. Note that this operation can
take a long time to complete. If synchronization gets interrupted, it can
be resumed later using the `sync` command.
To synchronize all repositories, specify "*" as the repository.