我需要通过命令提示符备份正在运行的 Hyper-V 虚拟机,并将停机时间降至最低。备份应存储在另一个本地磁盘或远程共享上。
以下是使用 VSS 备份 Hyper-V 以创建快照的示例脚本。不支持 VSS 的客户操作系统将在快照期间进入保存状态。
此示例备份位于邮箱:\VS目录到本地目录F:\VS 备份。这些位置需要根据您的需要进行调整。对于每个源驱动器,需要将一个额外的卷添加到 VSS 快照。
有关 diskshadow.exe 命令的文档是可在 Technet 上获取。
REM Use the diskshadow command to support "live" Hyper-V backup
REM though VSS
diskshadow /s diskshadow_script.txt > HyperVBackup_LOG.txt
REM Remove CAB files which are generated to support the exporting
REM of disk shadow copies (not required here)
del *.cab /Q
# Remove any existing shadow copies from crashed or errored scripts
# WARNING: this will conflict with other backup software if running
# at the same time.
delete shadows all
# Use a persistent context so we can "map" a drive
set context persistent
# Log everything
set verbose on
# ***TODO*** Change this drive letter to match the location of your
# VHD files
add volume E: alias HyperV1
# Add additional volumes if needed
#add add volume H: alias HyperV2
# Create the shadow copy
# Expose each shadowed volume as a drive
# ***TODO*** Make sure the exposed drive letter is available and used
# in the backup script
expose %HyperV1% S:
# Expose additional volumes as needed
#expose %HyperV2% T:
# Execute the backup script (robocopy)
exec HyperVBAckup_exec.cmd
# clean up the shadow copy images
delete shadows all
REM This is the script to perform the actual copy of the files
REM Use robocopy with the source set to the expose shadow drives
REM The drives are read-only, so don't try to reset the archive bit
REM **TODO** Set the destination location for the backups
robocopy S:\VS "F:\VS Backup" /MIR /NP /XF *.ISO /R:2 /W:5
REM Dummy command to clear the robocopy errorlevel
verify >nul