我不是 AIX 专家.....我被指派将我的系统修补到最新的补丁级别。
首先,我从哪里可以获得 AIX 5.1 和 5.3 的补丁?
AIX 中的软件维护对于初学者来说非常复杂且陌生。如今,主要的 AIX OS 更新被称为“维护级别”(机器学习)以及对这些代码的修订被称为“服务包”(服务供应商)。在开始此过程之前,您需要确定系统当前处于什么级别以及要升级到什么级别。使用“oslevel”命令显示系统的软件级别:
$ oslevel
Here, oslevel is run without args and displays the base software level, v6.1 ML 3 in the example
To display the SP level use,
$ oslevel -s
Here, we are at ML 3, SP 2 of AIX 6.1
NOTE: I would recommend reading the latest version of the Services and Support Best Practices doc before going very far as the info given here barely scratches the surface of the subject.
As stated in a previous answer, SUMA is the way to go for quickly gathering OS updates, particularly when one is unfamiliar with navigating the IBM support site and/or AIX maintenance practices in general. With that said, SUMA offers a slew of options and features that can definitely confuse a newbie so here is a short usage scenario:
- determine the software level that you wish to apply to your systems.
- use SUMA to download the packages
- perform a test install of the packages
- download any missing dependencies using Fix Central (linked in a previous comment) or SUMA itself (SUMA's fileset search can be hit or miss, however)
- Rinse and repeat until the test comes out clean, then install for real
Here is a sample SUMA command invocation that would download the updates need to bring a v5.3 system to ML 9:
$ suma -x -a RqType=ML -a RqName=5300-09 -a Action=Download
: perform the SUMA action now rather than scheduling a job using SUMA's built-in schedule
-a RqType=ML
: set the Request Type to ML
-a RqLevel=5300-09
: select ML 09 of the AIX 5.3 release
-a Action=Download
: set the command action to download. This is the default but it is included here for clarity.
By default, SUMA will download packages to the directory /usr/sys/inst.images/installp/ppc
. Unless it is interrupted, SUMA will perform an inutoc
command in the download directory so there is no need to do so following its run.
Once the software is downloaded, it can be installed using smitty:
$ smitty update_all
or using the "update_all" command:
$ update_all -d /usr/sys/inst.images/installp/ppc -p
希望这能帮助您入门,但这些片段无法替代仔细阅读 AIX 文档。祝您好运。
我建议通过 SMIT 进行修补。您可以在以下位置找到有关所有这些信息:红色的书。这是 IBM 提供的一堆非常好的文档。
使用 smit 是最好的主意。这是在 AIX 中安装软件的相当常见且简单的解决方案。请按照以下步骤安装更新包:
始终运行伊努托克命令以确保安装子系统能够识别您下载的新修复包。此命令为修复包创建一个新的 .toc 文件。运行伊努托克在下载软件包文件集的同一目录中,使用命令。例如,如果您将文件集下载到/usr/sys/inst.images,运行以下命令: inutoc /usr/sys/inst.images
(可选):重命名 *.bff 文件不是必需的,但确实可以帮助您查看哪些文件集受到下载文件的影响。要将下载的文件重命名为其文件集名称,请运行 bffcreate 命令。重命名文件后,再次运行 inutoc 命令。例如,如果您将文件集下载到 /usr/sys/inst.images,请运行以下命令重命名它们: bffcreate -c -d /usr/sys/inst.images
要安装此软件包中适用于系统上已安装文件集的所有更新,请使用以下命令: 尝试 update_all
重启系统。需要重新启动才能使此更新生效。来源 -链接文本