如何让 e2fsck 显示进度信息?

如何让 e2fsck 显示进度信息?

我在一个非常大的(1TB+)ext3 磁盘上运行 e2fsk

e2fsck -v /dev/sda1

从使用 PXE 启动的 RIPLinux。


e2fsck 1.41.6 (30-May-2009)
/dev/sda1 contains a file system with errors, check forced.
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes



理想情况下,已完成项目的数量与总数以及某种预计到达时间 (ETA) 的数量。


-C标志将显示一个进度条。性能差异取决于 fsck 的调用方式。

非常酷的是,如果e2fsck已经在运行,您可以发送信号USR1让它开始显示进度条。 USR2停止。示例:

killall -USR1 e2fsck

来自 FSCK(8):

   -C     Display completion/progress bars for those filesys-
          tems  checkers (currently only for ext2) which sup-
          port them.   Fsck will manage the filesystem check-
          ers  so  that  only  one  of  them  will  display a
          progress bar at a time.


   -C fd  This  option  causes  e2fsck  to  write  completion
          information  to  the  specified  file descriptor so
          that the progress of the filesystem  check  can  be
          monitored.   This  option is typically used by pro-
          grams  which  are  running  e2fsck.   If  the  file
          descriptor specified is 0, e2fsck will print a com-
          pletion bar as it goes about  its  business.   This
          requires  that e2fsck is running on a video console
          or terminal.


来自 1.41 版手册页

   -C fd  This option causes e2fsck to write completion information to the specified file descriptor so that the progress of the
          filesystem  check  can be monitored.  This option is typically used by programs which are running e2fsck.  If the file
          descriptor number is negative, then absolute value of the file descriptor will be used, and the  progress  information
          will  be  suppressed  initially.  It can later be enabled by sending the e2fsck process a SIGUSR1 signal.  If the file
          descriptor specified is 0, e2fsck will print a completion bar as it goes  about  its  business.   This  requires  that
          e2fsck is running on a video console or terminal.


e2fsck -C 0 /dev/sda1


ps -ef | grep fsck

  5079  5007 47 00:55 pts/1    00:08:25 /sbin/fsck.ext3 -yv /dev/hda2

使用进程 ID,

杀死-USR1 5079



BSD 系统及其后代都有 SIGINFO 信号。它使程序将其当前状态输出到控制台。许多基本的 BSD 工具都知道并支持此信号。您可以使用 Ctrl+T 将此信号发送到当前进程。

SysV 系统没有这样的信号,也没有 Ctrl+T。一些 Linux 工具支持 SIGUSR1。我只知道“dd”和“e2fsck”,但可能还有更多。没有 Ctrl+? 快捷方式来发送它,所以你必须手动使用“kill -USR1”来处理进程的 pid。

大多数其他程序对 SIGUSR1 的反应与对 SIGTERM(退出)的反应相同,因此除非您知道它受支持,否则不要发送此信号。
