源服务器不满足迁移的最低要求 - SBS2003 到 SBS 2008

源服务器不满足迁移的最低要求 - SBS2003 到 SBS 2008

我正在将 SBS 2003 迁移到 SBS 2008。我遵循了此处 81 页的 Microsoft 指南:http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=52b7ea63-78af-4a96-811e-284f5c1de13b&displaylang=en并运行了迁移准备工具,该工具成功完成,然后请求重新启动服务器,我照做了。

我创建了 SBSAnswerFile 并将其保存到 USB 记忆棒中。SBS 2008 服务器检测到它并以迁移模式启动 SBS 安装程序,并显示附加的错误消息。单击“再次检查”没有任何反应,并重复出现错误。

我已经确认,通过在每台机器上 ping 另一台机器,SBS 2008 服务器与 SBS 2003 服务器之间的连接良好,反之亦然。我在 SBS 2003 服务器上创建的用于运行迁移准备工具的帐户是域、架构和企业管理员。我已经确认 Exchange 2003 处于本机模式,确认域功能级别为 2003。我创建了一个新的管理员帐户,使其成为相关组的成员,并设置了一个复杂的密码,看看这是否有帮助,但仍然没有解决。

我正在安装 HP ML330 服务器 - 尝试通过智能启动和 Windows SBS DVD,都出现同样的问题。完整日志可在安装下方找到,但有点冗长。有人有什么想法吗?

替代文本 http://www.experts-exchange.com/images/197800/SBSsetup.bmp

[2944] 100812.181428.4282: Setup: Screen Saver SubKey opened.
[2944] 100812.181428.4282: Setup: Finished disabling the Screen Saver.
[2944] 100812.181428.4282: Setup: Get Stage = <null>
[2944] 100812.181428.4282: Setup: Current setup stage is: Beginning
[2944] 100812.181430.4406: Setup: Adding Migration Wizard component.
[2944] 100812.181430.4406: Setup: Get Stage = <null>
[2944] 100812.181430.9086: Setup: Changing NIC Verification Page state to NoNic.
[2944] 100812.181432.0474: Setup: Skipping OneCare since it is not available in this version.
[2944] 100812.181432.2034: Setup: No flags found, making FSE visible to the user.
[2944] 100812.181432.2034: Setup: Defaulting FSE install to: True
[2944] 100812.181432.2658: Setup: Launching the Wizard!
[2944] 100812.181432.2658: Setup: Get Stage = <null>
[2944] 100812.181432.2658: Setup: Running requirement check: DiskSpaceRequirement
[2944] 100812.181432.2814: Setup: The system partition has a total size of 500049113088, with a requirement of 40894464000 and recommended of 61865984000.
[2944] 100812.181432.2814: Setup:       Requirement passed.
[2944] 100812.181432.2814: Setup: Running requirement check: RamRequirement
[2944] 100812.181432.4374: Setup: The total size of the RAM is: 8578281472, with a requirement of 3355443200.
[2944] 100812.181432.4374: Setup:       Requirement passed.
[2944] 100812.181432.4374: Setup: Running requirement check: DriveLetterRequirement
[2944] 100812.181432.4530: Setup: The system drive letter is: C.
[2944] 100812.181432.4530: Setup:       Requirement passed.
[2944] 100812.181432.4840: Setup: Successfully set the Time Zone to GMT Standard Time.
[2944] 100812.181432.6556: Setup: Trying to find valid NIC.
[2944] 100812.181433.1236: CoreNet: Retreiving MAC Address of the NIC to ignore from InfoXmlConfig
[2944] 100812.181433.1548: CoreNet: Info xml file does not exist: C:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Data\Info.xml
[2944] 100812.181433.1548: CoreNet: Retrieving MAC Address of the NIC to ignore from NetworkConfig
[2944] 100812.181433.2328: CoreNet: No NICs to ignore in NetworkConfig
[2944] 100812.181439.3012: CoreNet: Added NIC: Local Area Connection
[2944] 100812.181439.3636: CoreNet: Added NIC: Local Area Connection 2
[2944] 100812.181439.6288: Setup: Found 2 NICs
[2944] 100812.181452.0933: Setup: Found a connected NIC: Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet #2
[2944] 100812.181452.2805: Setup: Validating that the IP is non-routable:
[2944] 100812.181452.3429: Setup: Found a connected NIC with a Non-Routable IP: Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet #2
[2944] 100812.181452.3429: Setup: Need to show NIC Verification Page: False
[2944] 100812.181452.3741: CoreNet: Retreiving MAC Address of the NIC to ignore from InfoXmlConfig
[2944] 100812.181452.3741: CoreNet: Info xml file does not exist: C:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Data\Info.xml
[2944] 100812.181452.3741: CoreNet: Retrieving MAC Address of the NIC to ignore from NetworkConfig
[2944] 100812.181452.3741: CoreNet: No NICs to ignore in NetworkConfig
[2944] 100812.181453.0293: CoreNet: Added NIC: Local Area Connection
[2944] 100812.181453.0917: CoreNet: Added NIC: Local Area Connection 2
[2944] 100812.181453.3569: CoreNet: Starting network configuration in migration
[2944] 100812.181454.2929: CoreNet: TCP/IP Physical Nic Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet #2 (Local Area Connection 2)
[2944] 100812.181454.3241: CoreNet: is reachable with current settings
[2944] 100812.181454.3553: CoreNet: Retrieving local router override ip from NetworkConfig
[2944] 100812.181454.3553: CoreNet: No local router override ip is defined in NetworkConfig
[2944] 100812.181454.4021: CoreNet: Checking using fake entry
[2944] 100812.181454.4021: CoreNet: Received TtlExpired from using Ping(
[2944] 100812.181454.4021: CoreNet: passed the routing test
[2944] 100812.181454.4177: CoreNet: Starting Router Retrieval with IP
[2944] 100812.181454.4177: CoreNet: http has not been checked yet -- checking
[3480] 100812.181454.4801: CoreNet: UPNP: Searching for UPnP routers
[2944] 100812.181454.4957: CoreNet: Checking uri
[2944] 100812.181456.4613: CoreNet: Config web site on router available!
[2944] 100812.181456.4613: CoreNet: Found new router with capabilities HttpManualConfigPossible
[3172] 100812.181503.5125: CoreNet: UPnP: Search completed
[2944] 100812.181503.7466: CoreNet: Saving router:
[2944] 100812.181504.0898: CoreNet: Disabling all NICs except for Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet #2 (Local Area Connection 2)
[2944] 100812.181504.3862: CoreNet: NIC Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet (Local Area Connection) was already disabled
[2944] 100812.181504.4954: CoreNet: Setting local NIC to static: IP= mask= gateway=
[2944] 100812.181504.4954: CoreNet: Setting static IP:
[2944] 100812.181504.5110: CoreNet: netsh: interface ip set address 11 static address= mask=
[2944] 100812.181509.1754: CoreNet: Address successfully bound to socket.
[2944] 100812.181509.1754: CoreNet: netsh: interface ip delete address 11 address= gateway=all
[2944] 100812.181509.2534: CoreNet: netsh: interface ip add address 11 gateway= gwmetric=5
[2944] 100812.181509.4562: CoreNet: Setting DNS servers on local NIC Local Area Connection 2(Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet #2)
[2944] 100812.181509.6434: Setup: Completed networking configuration, now checking migration information.
[2944] 100812.181518.1298: Setup: Pinging old server name.
[2944] 100812.181518.4574: Setup: Ping reply status = Success
[2944] 100812.181518.5042: Setup: Connecting to domain and validating credentials.
[2944] 100812.181518.9254: Setup: Successfully connected to the source domain: Davy.local
[2944] 100812.181518.9254: Setup: Did not need to fix up domain name.
[2944] 100812.181519.2530: Setup: Found user: CN=sysadmin2,OU=SBSUsers,OU=Users,OU=MyBusiness,DC=Davy,DC=local.  Determining group memberships
[2944] 100812.181519.2686: Setup: Member of AccountDomainAdminsSid=True
[2944] 100812.181519.2686: Setup: Member of AccountEnterpriseAdminsSid=True
[2944] 100812.181519.2686: Setup: Member of AccountSchemaAdminsSid=True
[2944] 100812.181519.2686: Setup: Credentials are valid.
[2944] 100812.181527.6771: Setup: Pinging old server name.
[2944] 100812.181527.9891: Setup: Ping reply status = Success
[2944] 100812.181527.9891: Setup: Connecting to domain and validating credentials.
[2944] 100812.181528.0047: Setup: Successfully connected to the source domain: Davy.local
[2944] 100812.181528.0047: Setup: Did not need to fix up domain name.
[2944] 100812.181528.0047: Setup: Found user: CN=sysadmin2,OU=SBSUsers,OU=Users,OU=MyBusiness,DC=Davy,DC=local.  Determining group memberships
[2944] 100812.181528.0047: Setup: Member of AccountDomainAdminsSid=True
[2944] 100812.181528.0203: Setup: Member of AccountEnterpriseAdminsSid=True
[2944] 100812.181528.0203: Setup: Member of AccountSchemaAdminsSid=True
[2944] 100812.181528.0203: Setup: Credentials are valid.
[2944] 100812.181528.0203: Wizard: Admin:QueryNextPage(null) = sbssetup.networkprogress
[2944] 100812.181528.0203: Wizard: TOC sbssetup.networkprogress is on ExpectedPath
[2944] 100812.181528.0515: Wizard: sbssetup.networkprogress entered
[2944] 100812.181528.0515: Setup: Setting the Setup Stage to NetworkProgress.
[2944] 100812.181528.0515: Setup: Setting Stage = NetworkProgress
[2944] 100812.181528.0515: Setup: Setting ShowBillboards to False
[2944] 100812.181528.1295: Wizard: Admin:QueryNextPage(sbssetup.networkprogress) = sbsetup.schemaupdate
[2944] 100812.181528.1295: Wizard: TOC sbsetup.schemaupdate is on ExpectedPath
[2944] 100812.181528.1295: Wizard: Admin:QueryNextPage(sbsetup.schemaupdate) = sbssetup.companyinformation
[2944] 100812.181528.1295: Wizard: TOC sbssetup.companyinformation is on ExpectedPath
[2944] 100812.181528.1295: Wizard: Admin:QueryNextPage(sbssetup.companyinformation) = sbssetup.optionalcomponents
[2944] 100812.181528.1295: Wizard: TOC sbssetup.optionalcomponents is on ExpectedPath
[2944] 100812.181528.1295: Wizard: Admin:QueryNextPage(sbssetup.optionalcomponents) = sbssetup.mainprogress
[2944] 100812.181528.1295: Wizard: TOC sbssetup.mainprogress is on ExpectedPath
[2944] 100812.181528.1295: Wizard: Admin:QueryNextPage(sbssetup.mainprogress) = sbssetup.finish
[2944] 100812.181528.1295: Wizard: TOC sbssetup.finish is on ExpectedPath
[2944] 100812.181528.1295: Wizard: Admin:QueryNextPage(sbssetup.finish) = null
[2944] 100812.181528.1295: Wizard: ----------------------------------
[2944] 100812.181528.1295: Wizard: The pages visted:
[2944] 100812.181528.1295: Wizard: Current Page := [TOC sbssetup.networkprogress]
[2944] 100812.181528.1295: Wizard: [invisible]  : TOC sbsetup.schemaupdate
[2944] 100812.181528.1295: Wizard: [TOC]        : TOC sbssetup.companyinformation
[2944] 100812.181528.1295: Wizard: [TOC]        : TOC sbssetup.optionalcomponents
[2944] 100812.181528.1295: Wizard: [invisible]  : TOC sbssetup.mainprogress
[2944] 100812.181528.1295: Wizard: [TOC]        : TOC sbssetup.finish
[2944] 100812.181528.1295: Wizard: Step 0 of 3
[4000] 100812.181528.1607: Setup: Get InProgress = <null>
[4000] 100812.181528.1607: Setup: Transfering the content of the Property Bag into the info.xml since we will start running tasks.
[4000] 100812.181528.1607: Setup: Serialize into info xml file
[4000] 100812.181530.0639: TaskManagement: Loaded cost file
[4000] 100812.181530.0639: Setup: Adding delegates to the TME
[4000] 100812.181530.0639: Setup: Launching the TME
[4000] 100812.181530.0639: Setup: Setting InProgress = True
[4000] 100812.181530.0795: TaskManagement: Loading TaskProcessors.
[4000] 100812.181530.0951: TaskManagement: Loaded ("EXE", "C:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Bin\TaskProcessors.dll") with success.
[4000] 100812.181530.0951: TaskManagement: Loaded ("NET", "C:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Bin\TaskProcessors.dll") with success.
[4000] 100812.181530.0951: TaskManagement: Loaded ("MSI", "C:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Bin\TaskProcessors.dll") with success.
[4000] 100812.181530.0951: TaskManagement: Loaded ("Service", "C:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Bin\TaskProcessors.dll") with success.
[4000] 100812.181530.0951: TaskManagement: Using the ProgressDevianceThreshold of 5 from the TaskProcessor EXE since there is no override.
[4000] 100812.181530.0951: TaskManagement: Updating TaskProcessor MSI with a ProgressDevianceThreshold of 100.
[4000] 100812.181530.0951: TaskManagement: Using the ProgressDevianceThreshold of 5 from the TaskProcessor NET since there is no override.
[4000] 100812.181530.0951: TaskManagement: Using the ProgressDevianceThreshold of 5 from the TaskProcessor Service since there is no override.
[4000] 100812.181530.1107: TaskManagement: Building progress bar data.
[4000] 100812.181530.1263: TaskManagement: Expected Task Costs:
[4000] 100812.181530.1263: TaskManagement: TaskName: FixRegkeyPermissionsTask, Cost: 0.1095162
[4000] 100812.181530.1263: TaskManagement: TaskName: UpdateSetupBeforeNetworking, Cost: 30.43587
[4000] 100812.181530.1263: TaskManagement: TaskName: EnableWFNetworkDiscovery, Cost: 0.2852564
[4000] 100812.181530.1263: TaskManagement: TaskName: NetworkDiscovery, Cost: 53.38156
[4000] 100812.181530.1263: TaskManagement: TaskName: UpdateSetupAfterNetworking, Cost: 29.50424
[4000] 100812.181530.1419: Task: Running Task("FixRegkeyPermissionsTask") with TaskProcessor("NET").
[4000] 100812.181530.1575: Task: Beginning of task FixRegkeyPermissions
[4000] 100812.181530.1575: Task: Fixing ACL on: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server
[4000] 100812.181530.6255: Task: In Task FixRegkeyPermissionsTask: 
[4000] 100812.181530.6255: Setup: Task FixRegkeyPermissionsTask succeeded.
[4000] 100812.181530.6255: Task: End of Task FixRegkeyPermissions
[4000] 100812.181530.6255: Task: Task ("FixRegkeyPermissionsTask") execution complete.
[4000] 100812.181530.8439: Task: Running Task("UpdateSetupBeforeNetworking") with TaskProcessor("NET").
[4000] 100812.181530.8751: Task: Beginning of UpdateSetupTask
[4000] 100812.181530.8907: Microsoft Updates: MUAgent: OptInToMicrosoftUpdates Start
[4000] 100812.181530.8907: Microsoft Updates: MUAgent: ValidateClientSoftwareVersion Start
[4000] 100812.181530.9843: Microsoft Updates: MUAgent: ValidateClientSoftwareVersion End
[4000] 100812.181531.3275: Microsoft Updates: MUAgent: Registering Microsoft Update Service with WUA
[4000] 100812.181531.4835: Microsoft Updates: MUAgent: Registering Microsoft Update with AU
[4000] 100812.181531.4991: Microsoft Updates: MUAgent: OptInToMicrosoftUpdates End
[4000] 100812.181531.5147: Microsoft Updates: MUAgent: Update: Start
[4000] 100812.181531.5147: Microsoft Updates: MUAgent: Search: Start
[4000] 100812.181531.5459: Microsoft Updates: MUAgent: Starting Search
[4000] 100812.181531.5459: Microsoft Updates: MUAgent: IncludePotentiallySupersededUpdates False
[4000] 100812.181531.5459: Microsoft Updates: MUAgent: Online True
[4000] 100812.181531.5459: Microsoft Updates: MUAgent: ClientApplicationID Small Business Server
[4000] 100812.181531.5459: Microsoft Updates: MUAgent: Search Phrase (CategoryIDs contains 'e6cf1350-c01b-414d-a61f-263d14d133b4' AND CategoryIDs contains '38dc25fb-bfcf-480b-a4ea-445751974d67' AND Type='Software' AND IsInstalled=0)
[4000] 100812.181531.5459: Microsoft Updates: MUAgent: Service ID 7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d
[3592] 100812.181937.2631: Microsoft Updates: MUAgent: ISearchCompletedCallback: Search completed
[4000] 100812.181937.2631: Microsoft Updates: MUAgent: Search return 0 total updates
[4000] 100812.181937.2787: Microsoft Updates: MUAgent: IdentifyUpdatesToDownloadAndInstall: Start
[4000] 100812.181937.2787: Microsoft Updates: MUAgent: Total Updates Identified to download and install = 0
[4000] 100812.181937.2787: Microsoft Updates: MUAgent: IdentifyUpdatesToDownloadAndInstall: End
[4000] 100812.181937.2787: Microsoft Updates: MUAgent: Search: End
[4000] 100812.181937.2787: Microsoft Updates: MUAgent: Update: End
[4000] 100812.181937.2787: Task: In Task UpdateSetupBeforeNetworking: 
[4000] 100812.181937.2787: Setup: Task UpdateSetupBeforeNetworking succeeded.
[4000] 100812.181937.2787: Task: End of UpdateSetupTask
[4000] 100812.181937.2787: Task: Task ("UpdateSetupBeforeNetworking") execution complete.
[4000] 100812.181937.3099: Task: Running Task("EnableWFNetworkDiscovery") with TaskProcessor("NET").
[4000] 100812.181937.3411: Task: Beginning of task EnableNetworkDiscovery
[4000] 100812.181937.4503: Task: In Task EnableWFNetworkDiscovery: 
[4000] 100812.181937.4503: Setup: Task EnableWFNetworkDiscovery succeeded.
[4000] 100812.181937.4503: Task: End of Task EnableNetworkDiscovery
[4000] 100812.181937.4503: Task: Task ("EnableWFNetworkDiscovery") execution complete.
[4000] 100812.181937.4659: Task: Running Task("NetworkDiscovery") with TaskProcessor("NET").
[4000] 100812.181937.4815: Task: Beginning of task DiscoverNetwork
[4000] 100812.181937.4815: CoreNet: Retreiving MAC Address of the NIC to ignore from InfoXmlConfig
[4000] 100812.181937.4815: CoreNet: Loading info xml configuration from: C:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Data\Info.xml
[4000] 100812.181937.5127: CoreNet: No NICs to ignore in InfoXmlConfig
[4000] 100812.181937.5127: CoreNet: Retrieving MAC Address of the NIC to ignore from NetworkConfig
[4000] 100812.181937.5127: CoreNet: No NICs to ignore in NetworkConfig
[4000] 100812.181938.1679: CoreNet: Added NIC: Local Area Connection
[4000] 100812.181938.2303: CoreNet: Added NIC: Local Area Connection 2
[4000] 100812.181938.5267: CoreNet: Starting network configuration in migration
[4000] 100812.181939.4003: CoreNet: TCP/IP Physical Nic Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet #2 (Local Area Connection 2)
[4000] 100812.181939.4003: CoreNet: is reachable with current settings
[4000] 100812.181939.4003: CoreNet: Retrieving local router override ip from NetworkConfig
[4000] 100812.181939.4003: CoreNet: No local router override ip is defined in NetworkConfig
[4000] 100812.181939.4159: CoreNet: Checking using fake entry
[4000] 100812.181939.4159: CoreNet: Received TtlExpired from using Ping(
[4000] 100812.181939.4159: CoreNet: passed the routing test
[4000] 100812.181939.4159: CoreNet: Starting Router Retrieval with IP
[4000] 100812.181939.4159: CoreNet: http has not been checked yet -- checking
[4000] 100812.181939.4159: CoreNet: Checking uri
[3752] 100812.181939.4159: CoreNet: UPNP: Searching for UPnP routers
[4000] 100812.181939.9619: CoreNet: Config web site on router available!
[4000] 100812.181939.9619: CoreNet: Found new router with capabilities HttpManualConfigPossible
[3172] 100812.181948.4484: CoreNet: UPnP: Search completed
[4000] 100812.181948.6824: CoreNet: Saving router:
[4000] 100812.181949.0100: CoreNet: Disabling all NICs except for Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet #2 (Local Area Connection 2)
[4000] 100812.181949.2908: CoreNet: NIC Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet (Local Area Connection) was already disabled
[4000] 100812.181949.4000: CoreNet: Setting local NIC to static: IP= mask= gateway=
[4000] 100812.181949.4000: CoreNet: Setting static IP:
[4000] 100812.181949.4000: CoreNet: netsh: interface ip set address 11 static address= mask=
[4000] 100812.181953.1128: CoreNet: Address successfully bound to socket.
[4000] 100812.181953.1128: CoreNet: netsh: interface ip delete address 11 address= gateway=all
[4000] 100812.181953.1908: CoreNet: netsh: interface ip add address 11 gateway= gwmetric=5
[4000] 100812.181953.3780: CoreNet: Setting DNS servers on local NIC Local Area Connection 2(Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet #2)
[4000] 100812.181953.5028: CoreNet: Save router's config URL in registry
[4000] 100812.181953.5028: CoreNet: Add to Intranet Zone sites in Default User's profile
[4000] 100812.181953.5652: CoreNet: Checking installed DNS server for configured forwarders or root hints
[4000] 100812.181953.6120: CoreNet: Wrapping exception: System.Management.ManagementException: Invalid namespace 
   at System.Management.ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo(ManagementStatus errorCode)
   at System.Management.ManagementScope.InitializeGuts(Object o)
   at System.Management.ManagementScope.Initialize()
   at System.Management.ManagementObject.Initialize(Boolean getObject)
   at System.Management.ManagementClass.GetInstances(EnumerationOptions options)
   at Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.CoreNetworking.CNetDns..ctor(String DnsServer)
[4000] 100812.181953.6120: CoreNet: Error retrieving forwarders or root hints from local DNS server
[4000] 100812.181953.6120: CoreNet: Using default root hints
[4000] 100812.181953.6120: CoreNet: Sending DNS request packet to
[4000] 100812.181953.6588: CoreNet: Got answer from root server
[4000] 100812.181953.6588: CoreNet: Successfully connected to the Internet
[4000] 100812.181953.6588: CoreNet: Set LastBasicConfigSuccessful flag to true in registry
[4000] 100812.181953.6588: Task: In Task NetworkDiscovery: 
[4000] 100812.181953.6588: Setup: Task NetworkDiscovery succeeded.
[4000] 100812.181953.6588: Task: End of Task DiscoverNetwork
[4000] 100812.181953.6588: Task: Task ("NetworkDiscovery") execution complete.
[4000] 100812.181953.6744: Task: Running Task("UpdateSetupAfterNetworking") with TaskProcessor("NET").
[4000] 100812.181953.6744: Task: Beginning of UpdateSetupTask
[4000] 100812.181953.6744: Task: UpdateSetupTask has already run successfully
[4000] 100812.181953.6744: Task: In Task UpdateSetupAfterNetworking: 
[4000] 100812.181953.6744: Setup: Task UpdateSetupAfterNetworking succeeded.
[4000] 100812.181953.6744: Task: End of UpdateSetupTask
[4000] 100812.181953.6744: Task: Task ("UpdateSetupAfterNetworking") execution complete.
[4000] 100812.181953.8148: TaskManagement: Deleting restart state file at C:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Data\TME\EngineState\SBSNetwork.  Finished=True, Continue=True, RebootNow=False, RedoTask=False
[4000] 100812.181953.8148: Setup: TME state is TasksComplete--we're done.
[4000] 100812.181953.8148: Setup: Setting InProgress = False
[4000] 100812.181953.8304: Setup: Get Stage = NetworkProgress
[4000] 100812.181953.8304: Setup: Back from running the TME
[4000] 100812.181953.8304: Setup: Finished with the tasks so saving runtime data to disk.
[4000] 100812.181953.8460: Setup: No reboot pending, reloading the runtime data into the property bag.
[4000] 100812.181953.8460: Setup: Setting the Setup Stage to Questions.
[4000] 100812.181953.8460: Setup: Setting Stage = Questions
[4000] 100812.181953.8460: Setup: Setting ResultFile value to C:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Data\TME\Results\TaskStatusResults634172339937212592.xml
[4000] 100812.181953.8616: Setup: Getting OS version for SERVER2003
[4000] 100812.181954.5480: Setup: Caught exception when getting source OS Version: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
   at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo)
   at System.Management.ManagementScope.InitializeGuts(Object o)
   at System.Management.ManagementScope.Initialize()
   at System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher.Initialize()
   at System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher.Get()
   at Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.Setup.SBSSetup.SchemaUpdatePagePresenter.PopulateSourceServerOS(String sourceServer, String username, String password)
[4000] 100812.181954.5480: Setup: Setting source OS to Other
[4000] 100812.181954.5480: Setup: Running requirement check: SchemaLevelRequirement
[4000] 100812.181954.5948: Setup: Path=LDAP://Davy.local/CN=ActiveDirectoryUpdate,CN=ForestUpdates,CN=Configuration,DC=Davy,DC=local
[4000] 100812.181954.6104: Setup: Revision 2, Expected=2
[4000] 100812.181954.6104: Setup: Path=LDAP://Davy.local/CN=ActiveDirectoryUpdate,CN=DomainUpdates,CN=System,DC=Davy,DC=local
[4000] 100812.181954.6260: Setup: Revision 3, Expected=3
[4000] 100812.182009.2745: Setup: Source Schema Version:      44
[4000] 100812.182009.2745: Setup: Required Schema Version:      44
[4000] 100812.182009.2745: Setup:       Requirement passed.
[4000] 100812.182009.2745: Setup: Running requirement check: FunctionalLevelCheck
[4000] 100812.182010.0701: Setup:       Domain level: Windows2003Domain
[4000] 100812.182010.0701: Setup:       Forest level: Windows2003Forest
[4000] 100812.182010.0701: Setup:       Requirement passed.
[4000] 100812.182010.0701: Setup: Running requirement check: ExchangeSp2Check
[4000] 100812.182011.2869: Setup: Found exchange server version: 7638.  Path=LDAP://SERVER2003/CN=SERVER2003,CN=Servers,CN=first administrative group,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=DAVY,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=Davy,DC=local
[4000] 100812.182011.3025: Setup:       Requirement passed.
[4000] 100812.182011.3025: Setup: Running requirement check: SourceWMICheck
[4000] 100812.182011.3025: Setup:       Requirement passed.
[4000] 100812.182011.3025: Setup: Running requirement check: SbsSp1Check
[4000] 100812.182011.3025: Setup:       Requirement passed.
[4000] 100812.182011.3025: Setup: Running requirement check: SourceChkRequirement
[4000] 100812.182011.9421: Setup: Caught exception: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
   at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo)
   at System.Management.ManagementScope.InitializeGuts(Object o)
   at System.Management.ManagementScope.Initialize()
   at System.Management.ManagementObject.Initialize(Boolean getObject)
   at System.Management.ManagementObject.GetMethodParameters(String methodName, ManagementBaseObject& inParameters, IWbemClassObjectFreeThreaded& inParametersClass, IWbemClassObjectFreeThreaded& outParametersClass)
   at System.Management.ManagementObject.GetMethodParameters(String methodName)
   at Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.Setup.SBSSetup.RegistrykeyCheck.DoCheck(SourceServerType sourceType, String domainName, String sourceServerName, String userName, String password)
   at Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.Setup.SBSSetup.CompositeRequirement.DoCheck(SourceServerType sourceType, String domainName, String sourceServerName, String userName, String password)
   at Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.Setup.SBSSetup.MigrationRequirement.CheckRequirement(SourceServerType sourceType, String domainName, String sourceServerName, String userName, String password)
[4000] 100812.182011.9421: Setup:       Error - Run the Migration Preparation Tool on the Source Server - Has Help
[4000] 100812.182011.9421: Wizard: Admin:QueryNextPage(sbssetup.networkprogress) = sbsetup.schemaupdate
[2944] 100812.182011.9577: Setup: Setting ShowBillboards to False
[2944] 100812.182011.9733: Wizard: sbssetup.networkprogress exited with the button: Next
[2944] 100812.182011.9733: WizardChainEngine Next Clicked: Going to page {0}.: sbsetup.schemaupdate
[2944] 100812.182012.0045: Wizard: sbsetup.schemaupdate entered
[2944] 100812.182012.0045: Setup: Failure: Error - Run the Migration Preparation Tool on the Source Server - Has Help
[2944] 100812.182012.1449: Wizard: Admin:QueryNextPage(sbsetup.schemaupdate) = sbssetup.companyinformation
[2944] 100812.182012.1449: Wizard: Admin:QueryNextPage(sbssetup.companyinformation) = sbssetup.optionalcomponents
[2944] 100812.182012.1449: Wizard: Admin:QueryNextPage(sbssetup.optionalcomponents) = sbssetup.mainprogress
[2944] 100812.182012.1449: Wizard: Admin:QueryNextPage(sbssetup.mainprogress) = sbssetup.finish
[2944] 100812.182012.1449: Wizard: Admin:QueryNextPage(sbssetup.finish) = null
[2944] 100812.182012.1449: Wizard: ----------------------------------
[2944] 100812.182012.1449: Wizard: The pages visted:
[2944] 100812.182012.1449: Wizard: [TOC] visited: TOC sbssetup.networkprogress
[2944] 100812.182012.1449: Wizard: Current Page := [TOC sbsetup.schemaupdate]
[2944] 100812.182012.1449: Wizard: [TOC]        : TOC sbssetup.companyinformation
[2944] 100812.182012.1449: Wizard: [TOC]        : TOC sbssetup.optionalcomponents
[2944] 100812.182012.1449: Wizard: [invisible]  : TOC sbssetup.mainprogress
[2944] 100812.182012.1449: Wizard: [TOC]        : TOC sbssetup.finish
[2944] 100812.182012.1449: Wizard: Step 0 of 3


就我而言,服务器没有解析源服务器的 netbios 名称。我不得不使用 Shift +F10 打开命令提示符,然后编辑 hosts 文件 - 然后它就起作用了。我认为这是一个错误。

另外需要注意的是,有些帖子建议你应该在域控制器组策略设置中编辑“身份验证后模拟客户端”。就我而言,这使我的服务器几乎无法运行,导致我的服务器在重新启动后挂起“应用计算机设置”长达 3 个小时 - 它搞乱了 SQL、BES,天知道还有什么。至少可以说这是一次艰苦的经历。

如果您遇到此问题,请检查 DCOM 是否已启用 - 检查时区设置(参见上面的帖子) - 然后尝试使用 netbios 名称 ping 源服务器。如果失败,那么对我有用的方法可能对您也有效。以下是我编辑 hosts 文件的方法 -

Shift +F10 打开命令提示符

导航到 c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc 中的 hosts 文件

将主机重命名为 hosts.txt。执行此操作的命令是“ren hosts host.txt”。就我而言,我首先将主机文件复制到 C 盘的根目录,然后对其进行重命名。Windows 有时会在 \etc 目录中尝试重命名主机时给您带来问题。

打开 hosts.txt 并为您的服务器添加一个条目。这很容易。如果您不知道怎么做,请查找。

将 hosts.txt 重命名为 hosts 并将其放回 \etc 目录。

对服务器的 netbios 名称进行 ping 操作,它应该能够解析 - 然后就可以继续迁移。


在我看来,这似乎是旧服务器上的 WMI 权限问题。我一直在使用这些最近针对此类问题给出了指示。


确保 DCOM 和‘身份验证后模拟客户端’已正确配置。

  1. 启动组件服务 (DCOMCNFG)
  2. 展开组件服务 -> 计算机 -> 我的电脑
  3. 打开“我的电脑”的属性对话框
  4. 单击“默认属性”选项卡
  5. 选中“在此计算机上启用分布式 COM”复选框
  6. 确保默认身份验证级别设置为“连接”,默认模拟级别设置为“模拟”
  7. 单击“应用”,单击“确定”。
  8. 关闭组件服务窗口。


  1. 启动本地计算机策略(GPEDIT.msc)
  2. 展开计算机配置->Windows 设置->安全设置->本地策略->用户权限分配
  3. 确保组策略“身份验证后模拟客户端”已将管理员组和服务帐户添加到列表中。
  4. 重启源服务器

