当 ntop 重新启动时,ntop 计数器将被重置,所有统计数据都将消失

当 ntop 重新启动时,ntop 计数器将被重置,所有统计数据都将消失

我正在使用 Ntop 3.3-13 收集有关网络使用情况的统计数据。

当 Ntop 重新启动时,所有计数器都将被重置,并且 Ntop 流量统计页面开始从头显示输出。

我该如何防止这种情况发生?如何在 Ntop 上启用持久存储?


不,您无法在重启之间保留数据。ntop 将其数据保存在内存中,重启后数据将丢失。您可以使用 rrd 文件将数据保留更长时间,但没有办法让 ntop 恢复上次运行时的所有数据。

也许可以尝试 nprobe?




从 ntop常问问题

Q. I start ntop with "-S 2" in order to store traffic
   statistics. Unfortunately when I restart ntop the
   stats are gone. What's wrong?
A. "-S" enables ntop to store on the disk host traffic statistics. This
   means that is host XYZ was seen by ntop in a previous run, the host
   traffic statistics are stored on disk so that the next time ntop is
   restarted (or if the entry was purged from memory and needs to be
   resurrected) the host information is not empty but the traffic 
   statistics start from the data saved on disk. Note that hosts are 
   resurrected *only* when ntop sees traffic for such hosts. This means 
   that when you restart ntop you *won't* see all the hosts ntop saw when 
   it stopped, but ntop populates its memory as usual with the difference
   that host statistics won't start from scratch but from the saved data.

也许 -S 选项适合您?
