SUSE EC2 问题 - zypper - 权限被拒绝

SUSE EC2 问题 - zypper - 权限被拒绝

我正在尝试使用 zypper 在运行 SUSE 的 Amazon EC2 实例上安装 gcc。

当我尝试时:zypper in gcc

Retrieving repository 'SLE11-SDK-SP1' metadata [] Permission to access '' denied.

Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/?] (a): i Retrieving repository 'SLE11-SDK-SP1' metadata [error] Repository 'SLE11-SDK-SP1' is invalid. Can't provide /media.1/media : User-requested skipping of a file Please check if the URIs defined for this repository are pointing to a valid repository. Warning: Disabling repository 'SLE11-SDK-SP1' because of the above error. Retrieving repository 'SLE11-SDK-SP1-Updates' metadata [|] Permission to access '' denied.

Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/?] (a): i Retrieving repository 'SLE11-SDK-SP1-Updates' metadata [error] Repository 'SLE11-SDK-SP1-Updates' is invalid. Can't provide /repodata/repomd.xml : User-requested skipping of a file Please check if the URIs defined for this repository are pointing to a valid repository. Warning: Disabling repository 'SLE11-SDK-SP1-Updates' because of the above error. Retrieving repository 'SLES11-Extras' metadata [/] Permission to access '' denied.

Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/?] (a): r Permission to access '' denied.

Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/?] (a): zypper in gcc Invalid answer 'zypper in gcc'. [a/r/i/?] (a): a Retrieving repository 'SLES11-Extras' metadata [error] Repository 'SLES11-Extras' is invalid. Can't provide /repodata/repomd.xml : Please check if the URIs defined for this repository are pointing to a valid repository. Warning: Disabling repository 'SLES11-Extras' because of the above error. Retrieving repository 'SLES11-SP1' metadata [-] Permission to access '' denied.

Abort, retry, ignore? [a/r/i/?] (a): a Retrieving repository 'SLES11-SP1' metadata [error] Repository 'SLES11-SP1' is invalid. Can't provide /media.1/media : Please check if the URIs defined for this repository are pointing to a valid repository. Warning: Disabling repository 'SLES11-SP1' because of the above error. Retrieving repository 'SLES11-SP1-Updates' metadata [] Permission to access '' denied.





这通常意味着 URL 或媒体不再可访问(这有点像 Debian apt-get 或 Red Hat 的 yum 的 404 消息)。据我所知,它应该从 Amazon 的 SuSE 存储库中提取软件包,但现在这些存储库已关闭。您可能需要在 Amazon 的论坛上发布消息,让 Amazon 修复它。


虽然我使用过 suse v8 和 9,但我对 zypper 作为包管理器不太熟悉。Big Gui SUSE 工具是 YasT(不确定是否大写)。

我在其他 AWS 支持线程中看到了同样的事情,如下所示:


我使用基于 Centos 的 AMI 以及使用 yum/rpm 和源编译在 Ec2 上非常轻松地取得了成功。

您不需要在新的 Ec2 实例上安装 gcc,这可能需要从头开始构建。

我通常感觉与发行版无关,并且在基于 debian/ubuntu 的类型和基于 rpm/yum 的类型之间切换没有任何问题。
