DC 的更新(KB948465 - Windows Server 2008 的 SP2)是否可能会导致网络问题?

DC 的更新(KB948465 - Windows Server 2008 的 SP2)是否可能会导致网络问题?


我们有一个客户,他遇到了严重的网络问题,导致 XP 计算机超时和网络连接中断,以及其他身份验证问题(我们在这些 XP 计算机上运行了一些基于 LDAP 的身份验证服务)。因此,一些人运行了各种不同的网络诊断程序,但找不到任何硬件问题。问题开始的时间与主域控制器(Windows Server 2008)上推出的最新更新有关。以下是更新列表:

Source    Description      HotFixID   InstalledOn             
------    -----------      --------   -----------             
DC1       Security Update  KB2481109  3/11/2011 3:36:42 PM   // security update for Remote Desktop client 6.1 and Remote Desktop client 6.0 
DC1       Security Update  KB961063   3/11/2011 3:36:43 PM   // * security update for DNS server - http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms09-008.mspx 
DC1       Update           KB968930   3/11/2011 3:36:43 PM   // Windows Management Framework Core package (Windows PowerShell 2.0 and WinRM 2.0) 
DC1       Update           KB971029   3/11/2011 5:03:36 PM   // Update to the AutoPlay functionality in Windows 
DC1       Update           KB971513   3/11/2011 6:14:41 PM   // Windows Automation API 
DC1       Update           KB971512   3/11/2011 6:14:41 PM   // Windows Graphics, Imaging, and XPS Library 
DC1       Update           KB960362   3/11/2011 6:14:41 PM   // Windows Ribbon and Animation Manager Library component of the Platform Update for Windows Server 2008 
DC1       Security Update  KB2416470  3/11/2011 6:14:41 PM   // ASP.NET security update - http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS10-070.mspx 
DC1       Security Update  KB976768   3/11/2011 6:14:41 PM   // ASP.NET update for the .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1  
DC1       Update           KB2117917  3/11/2011 6:14:41 PM   // Platform Update Supplement for Windows Vista and for Windows Server 2008
DC1       Security Update  KB983589   3/11/2011 6:14:41 PM   // security update for the .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2 
DC1       Security Update  KB976772   3/11/2011 6:14:41 PM   // WCF update for the .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 
DC1       Security Update  KB980842   3/11/2011 6:14:41 PM   // * NCL update for the .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1  - http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/advisory/973811.mspx
DC1       Update           KB979899   3/11/2011 6:14:41 PM   // update for the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 (SP1) 
DC1       Security Update  KB979910   3/11/2011 6:14:41 PM   // security update for the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 
DC1       Service Pack     KB948465   3/11/2011 6:59:08 PM   // ** SP2  

人们非常绝望,想要重建该域控制器。我建议卸载这个看起来像 Windows Server SP2 的最新更新 (KB948465)。是不是只要转到“已安装的更新”并单击 KB948465 上的卸载按钮就这么简单?可能有什么不良后果?


