在将用户状态从 Windows XP 计算机迁移到 Windows 7 计算机时,目标配置文件未正确恢复。据我从日志文件中得知,该操作“成功”。例如,文件夹C:\Users\Alice
已创建,但保留为从未登录过的常规配置文件。我可以在 下找到 Alice 的所有文件C:\Users\Alice\Documents\Users\Alice
我们的办公室正在从 Windows XP 升级到 Windows 7。我们使用 SCCM 的“操作系统部署”功能来执行此操作,该功能为 WDS 和 USMT 提供了更方便的界面。我们升级用户的工作流程如下:
- 准备一台预装了所有软件的新 Windows 7 计算机。
- 在当前计算机上运行 scanstate。我尝试过在用户登录、未登录以及系统重启后直接执行此操作。我们使用的命令如下:
C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\OLY00030\x86\scanstate.exe \\our.domain.com\SMPSTOREf_0A6193F4$\9FFA0E271B4C910B242CA957BD42C8804EFF457D04FD1065B37593EFDCCAB806 /o /localonly /encrypt /key:**** /c /efs:copyraw /v:5 /l:C:\WINDOWS\system32\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog\scanstate.log /progress:C:\WINDOWS\system32\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog\scanstateprogress.log /i:C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\OLY00030\x86\MigUser.XML /i:C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\OLY00030\x86\MigApp.XML /vsc
- 使用以下命令在目标计算机上运行 loadstate:
C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\OLY0004E\amd64\loadstate.exe \\our.domain.com\SMPSTOREf_0A6193F4$\BBB172E1617AA419B2EAF13DC5F8A3B44D90F79F17EDC405E780140083730C1E /decrypt /key:**** /c /all /l:C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog\loadstate.log /progress:C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog\loadstateprogress.log /i:C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\OLY0004E\amd64\miguser.xml /i:C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\OLY0004E\amd64\migapp.xml
07 Apr 2011, 15:37:57 -07:00, 00:00:00, program, scanstate.exe, productVersion, "6.1.7601.21645 (win7sp1_ldr.110119-1504)", computerName, IS018816, commandLine, "C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\OLY00030\x86\scanstate.exe \\ops02.energy.wsu.edu\SMPSTOREf_0A6193F4$\9FFA0E271B4C910B242CA957BD42C8804EFF457D04FD1065B37593EFDCCAB806 /o /localonly /encrypt /key:**** /c /efs:copyraw /v:5 /l:C:\WINDOWS\system32\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog\scanstate.log /progress:C:\WINDOWS\system32\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog\scanstateprogress.log /i:C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\OLY00030\x86\MigUser.XML /i:C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\OLY00030\x86\MigApp.XML /vsc"
07 Apr 2011, 15:37:58 -07:00, 00:00:00, PHASE, Initializing
07 Apr 2011, 15:37:58 -07:00, 00:00:00, PHASE, Scanning
07 Apr 2011, 15:37:58 -07:00, 00:00:00, processingUser, AD\BILL
07 Apr 2011, 15:37:59 -07:00, 00:00:01, processingUser, AD\ALICE
07 Apr 2011, 15:37:59 -07:00, 00:00:02, processingUser, AD\DAVE
07 Apr 2011, 15:38:00 -07:00, 00:00:03, processingUser, IS018816\CANDACE
07 Apr 2011, 15:38:01 -07:00, 00:00:03, processingUser, AD\ERIN
07 Apr 2011, 15:38:02 -07:00, 00:00:04, processingUser, SYSTEM
07 Apr 2011, 15:38:02 -07:00, 00:00:05, PHASE, Estimating
07 Apr 2011, 15:38:03 -07:00, 00:00:05, estimatePercentageCompleted, 32
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:17 -07:00, 00:01:19, estimatePercentageCompleted, 97
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:23 -07:00, 00:01:25, estimatePercentageCompleted, 1
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:23 -07:00, 00:01:25, detectedUser, AD\BILL, includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:23 -07:00, 00:01:26, detectedUser, AD\ALICE, includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:23 -07:00, 00:01:26, detectedUser, AD\DAVE, includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:23 -07:00, 00:01:26, detectedUser, IS018816\HelpAssistant, includedInMigration, No
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:23 -07:00, 00:01:26, detectedUser, IS018816\Guest, includedInMigration, No
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:23 -07:00, 00:01:26, detectedUser, IS018816\ASPNET, includedInMigration, No
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:23 -07:00, 00:01:26, detectedUser, IS018816\CANDACE, includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:23 -07:00, 00:01:26, detectedUser, IS018816\SUPPORT_388945a0, includedInMigration, No
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:24 -07:00, 00:01:26, detectedUser, AD\ERIN, includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:24 -07:00, 00:01:26, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Start Menu", includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:24 -07:00, 00:01:26, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "My Documents", includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:24 -07:00, 00:01:26, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft Office 2007\Microsoft Office Word 2007", includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:24 -07:00, 00:01:26, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft Office 2007\Microsoft Office Excel 2007", includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:24 -07:00, 00:01:26, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft Office 2007\Microsoft Office Access 2007", includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:24 -07:00, 00:01:26, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft Office 2007\Microsoft Office SmartTags\Microsoft Lists SmartTags", includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:24 -07:00, 00:01:26, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft Office 2007\Microsoft Office SmartTags\Microsoft Place SmartTags", includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:24 -07:00, 00:01:26, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Desktop", includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:24 -07:00, 00:01:26, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Quick Launch", includedInMigration, Yes
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:26 -07:00, 00:01:28, totalSizeInMBToTransfer, 39493.47
07 Apr 2011, 15:39:26 -07:00, 00:01:28, PHASE, Collecting
07 Apr 2011, 16:01:47 -07:00, 00:23:49, totalPercentageCompleted, 28
07 Apr 2011, 16:01:51 -07:00, 00:23:54, totalPercentageCompleted, 29
07 Apr 2011, 16:01:54 -07:00, 00:23:56, error, UnableToOpen, objectName, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\CatRoot2 [edb.log]", action, Abort, errorText, "Read error 32 for C:\WINDOWS\system32\CatRoot2 [edb.log]. Windows error 32 description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
07 Apr 2011, 16:01:54 -07:00, 00:23:57, error, UnableToOpen, objectName, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\CatRoot2 [tmp.edb]", action, Abort, errorText, "Read error 32 for C:\WINDOWS\system32\CatRoot2 [tmp.edb]. Windows error 32 description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
07 Apr 2011, 16:02:54 -07:00, 00:24:57, totalPercentageCompleted, 30
07 Apr 2011, 16:02:58 -07:00, 00:25:00, error, UnableToOpen, objectName, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [default]", action, Abort, errorText, "Read error 32 for C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [default]. Windows error 32 description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
07 Apr 2011, 16:02:58 -07:00, 00:25:00, error, UnableToOpen, objectName, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [default.LOG]", action, Abort, errorText, "Read error 32 for C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [default.LOG]. Windows error 32 description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
07 Apr 2011, 16:02:58 -07:00, 00:25:01, error, UnableToOpen, objectName, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [SAM]", action, Abort, errorText, "Read error 32 for C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [SAM]. Windows error 32 description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
07 Apr 2011, 16:02:58 -07:00, 00:25:01, totalPercentageCompleted, 30
07 Apr 2011, 16:02:58 -07:00, 00:25:01, error, UnableToOpen, objectName, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [SAM.LOG]", action, Abort, errorText, "Read error 32 for C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [SAM.LOG]. Windows error 32 description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
07 Apr 2011, 16:02:59 -07:00, 00:25:01, error, UnableToOpen, objectName, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [SECURITY]", action, Abort, errorText, "Read error 32 for C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [SECURITY]. Windows error 32 description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
07 Apr 2011, 16:02:59 -07:00, 00:25:01, error, UnableToOpen, objectName, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [SECURITY.LOG]", action, Abort, errorText, "Read error 32 for C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [SECURITY.LOG]. Windows error 32 description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
07 Apr 2011, 16:02:59 -07:00, 00:25:01, error, UnableToOpen, objectName, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [software]", action, Abort, errorText, "Read error 32 for C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [software]. Windows error 32 description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
07 Apr 2011, 16:03:00 -07:00, 00:25:02, error, UnableToOpen, objectName, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [software.LOG]", action, Abort, errorText, "Read error 32 for C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [software.LOG]. Windows error 32 description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
07 Apr 2011, 16:03:01 -07:00, 00:25:03, error, UnableToOpen, objectName, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [system]", action, Abort, errorText, "Read error 32 for C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [system]. Windows error 32 description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
07 Apr 2011, 16:03:01 -07:00, 00:25:04, error, UnableToOpen, objectName, "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [system.LOG]", action, Abort, errorText, "Read error 32 for C:\WINDOWS\system32\config [system.LOG]. Windows error 32 description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
07 Apr 2011, 16:03:23 -07:00, 00:25:26, totalPercentageCompleted, 30
07 Apr 2011, 16:03:27 -07:00, 00:25:30, totalPercentageCompleted, 31
07 Apr 2011, 16:04:28 -07:00, 00:26:30, processingUser, AD\ALICE
07 Apr 2011, 16:04:53 -07:00, 00:26:55, totalPercentageCompleted, 37
07 Apr 2011, 16:04:57 -07:00, 00:26:59, totalPercentageCompleted, 38
07 Apr 2011, 16:08:03 -07:00, 00:30:05, processingUser, SYSTEM
07 Apr 2011, 16:08:03 -07:00, 00:30:06, totalPercentageCompleted, 94
07 Apr 2011, 16:08:09 -07:00, 00:30:12, totalPercentageCompleted, 95
07 Apr 2011, 16:08:10 -07:00, 00:30:12, PHASE, Saving
07 Apr 2011, 16:08:18 -07:00, 00:30:20, totalPercentageCompleted, 100
07 Apr 2011, 16:08:18 -07:00, 00:30:20, errorCode, 0, numberOfIgnoredErrors, 0, message, "Successful run"
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:16 -07:00, 00:00:00, program, loadstate.exe, productVersion, "6.1.7601.21645 (win7sp1_ldr.110119-1504)", computerName, IS020227, commandLine, "C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\OLY0004E\amd64\loadstate.exe \\ops02.energy.wsu.edu\SMPSTOREf_0A6193F4$\BBB172E1617AA419B2EAF13DC5F8A3B44D90F79F17EDC405E780140083730C1E /decrypt /key:**** /c /all /l:C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog\loadstate.log /progress:C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\CCM\Logs\SMSTSLog\loadstateprogress.log /i:C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\OLY0004E\amd64\miguser.xml /i:C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\OLY0004E\amd64\migapp.xml"
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:16 -07:00, 00:00:00, PHASE, Initializing
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:25 -07:00, 00:00:08, PHASE, Scanning
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:25 -07:00, 00:00:08, processingUser, IS020227\CANDACE
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:44 -07:00, 00:00:27, processingUser, AD\BILL
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:45 -07:00, 00:00:28, processingUser, AD\DAVE
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:45 -07:00, 00:00:28, processingUser, AD\ALICE
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:46 -07:00, 00:00:29, processingUser, AD\ERIN
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:46 -07:00, 00:00:29, processingUser, SYSTEM
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:47 -07:00, 00:00:30, PHASE, Estimating
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:47 -07:00, 00:00:30, estimatePercentageCompleted, 32
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:51 -07:00, 00:00:34, estimatePercentageCompleted, 97
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:53 -07:00, 00:00:37, detectedUser, IS020227\Administrator, includedInMigration, No
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:53 -07:00, 00:00:37, detectedUser, IS020227\CANDACE, includedInMigration, No
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:53 -07:00, 00:00:37, detectedUser, AD\BILL, includedInMigration, No
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:53 -07:00, 00:00:37, detectedUser, AD\DAVE, includedInMigration, No
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:53 -07:00, 00:00:37, detectedUser, AD\ALICE, includedInMigration, No
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:53 -07:00, 00:00:37, detectedUser, AD\ERIN, includedInMigration, No
08 Apr 2011, 15:49:53 -07:00, 00:00:37, detectedUser, IS020227\Guest, includedInMigration, No
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:00 -07:00, 00:00:43, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "WindowsSearchEngine", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:00 -07:00, 00:00:43, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft-Windows-themecpl", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:00 -07:00, 00:00:43, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Tablet PC Settings\Accessories\Microsoft-Windows-TabletPC-Journal", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:00 -07:00, 00:00:43, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Tablet PC Settings\Input Panel\Microsoft-Windows-TabletPC-InputPanel", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:00 -07:00, 00:00:43, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Tablet PC Settings\General Options\Microsoft-Windows-TabletPC-UIHub", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:00 -07:00, 00:00:43, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Tablet PC Settings\General Options\Microsoft-Windows-TabletPC-Platform-Input-Core", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:00 -07:00, 00:00:43, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Tablet PC Settings\Handwriting Recognition\Microsoft-Windows-TabletPC-InputPersonalization", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Network and Internet\Networking Connections\Microsoft-Windows-PeerToPeerCollab", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Network and Internet\Networking Connections\Microsoft-Windows-Native-80211", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Network and Internet\Networking Connections\Microsoft-Windows-MPR", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Network and Internet\Networking Connections\Microsoft-Windows-Dot3svc", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft-Windows-DisplayConfigSettings", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft-Windows-DiagCpl", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Date, Time, Language and Region\Regional Language Options\Microsoft-Windows-TableDrivenTextService-Migration", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Date, Time, Language and Region\Regional Language Options\Microsoft-Windows-TextServicesFramework-Migration", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Date, Time, Language and Region\Regional Language Options\Microsoft-Windows-MUI-Settings", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Date, Time, Language and Region\Regional Language Options\Microsoft-Windows-International-Core", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Date, Time, Language and Region\Regional Language Options\Microsoft-Windows-IME-Traditional-Chinese-Core", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Date, Time, Language and Region\Regional Language Options\Microsoft-Windows-IME-Simplified-Chinese-Core", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Date, Time, Language and Region\Regional Language Options\Microsoft-Windows-Desktop_Technologies-Text_Input_Services-IME-Japanese-Core", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft-Windows-DesktopWindowManager-Core", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Security\Microsoft-Windows-Rights-Management-Client-v1-API", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Security\Security Options\Microsoft-Windows-Security-Vault", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Security\Security Options\Microsoft-Windows-Credential-Manager", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Appearance and Display\Windows Games Settings\Microsoft-Windows-GameExplorer", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Appearance and Display\Taskbar and Start Menu\Microsoft-Windows-stobject", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Appearance and Display\Taskbar and Start Menu\Microsoft-Windows-explorer", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Appearance and Display\Personalized Settings\Microsoft-Windows-uxtheme", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Appearance and Display\Personalized Settings\Microsoft-Windows-themeui", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Appearance and Display\Personalized Settings\Microsoft-Windows-shmig", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Appearance and Display\Personalized Settings\Microsoft-Windows-shell32", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Appearance and Display\Personalized Settings\Microsoft-Windows-CommandPrompt", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Help Settings\Microsoft-Windows-Help-Client", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-Win32k-Settings", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-Web-Services-for-Management-Core", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-UPnPSSDP", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:44, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-UPnPDeviceHost", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-UPnPControlPoint", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-Drivers", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-SQMApi", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-SQM-Consolidator-Base", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-RPC-Remote", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-RPC-Local", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-RPC-HTTP", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-Rasppp", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-RasMprDdm", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-RasBase", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-Microsoft-Data-Access-Components-(MDAC)-ODBC-DriverManager-Dll", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-ICM-Profiles", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-feclient", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:01 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-dpapi-keys", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-Crypto-keys", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-COM-DTC-Setup", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-COM-ComPlus-Setup", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-COM-Base", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Additional Options\Windows Core Settings\Microsoft-Windows-CAPI2-certs", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft-Windows-Client-SQM-Consolidator", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft-Windows-Audio-VolumeControl", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Accessibility\Accessibility Settings\Microsoft-Windows-accessibilitycpl", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience-Program-Data", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience-Application-Telemetry-Agent", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft-Windows-Application-Experience-Program-Compatibility-Assistant", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Start Menu", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Favorites", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "My Pictures", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "My Documents", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "My Music", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "My Video", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Desktop", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Quick Launch", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft Office 2010\Microsoft Office Access 2010", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft Office 2010\Microsoft Office Excel 2010", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft Office 2010\Microsoft Office Outlook 2010", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft Office 2010\Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft Office 2010\Office 2010 Common Settings", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:02 -07:00, 00:00:45, forUser, AD\ALICE, detectedComponent, "Microsoft Office 2010\Microsoft Office Word 2010 (32-bit)", includedInMigration, Yes
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:06 -07:00, 00:00:49, totalSizeInMBToTransfer, 32407.88
08 Apr 2011, 15:50:06 -07:00, 00:00:49, PHASE, Applying
08 Apr 2011, 15:59:37 -07:00, 00:10:20, processingUser, AD\ALICE
08 Apr 2011, 15:59:41 -07:00, 00:10:24, totalPercentageCompleted, 31
08 Apr 2011, 15:59:45 -07:00, 00:10:28, totalPercentageCompleted, 32
08 Apr 2011, 16:00:19 -07:00, 00:11:02, totalPercentageCompleted, 33
08 Apr 2011, 16:07:43 -07:00, 00:18:26, totalPercentageCompleted, 62
08 Apr 2011, 16:08:04 -07:00, 00:18:47, totalPercentageCompleted, 63
08 Apr 2011, 16:16:43 -07:00, 00:27:26, processingUser, SYSTEM
08 Apr 2011, 16:16:43 -07:00, 00:27:26, totalPercentageCompleted, 94
08 Apr 2011, 16:18:32 -07:00, 00:29:15, totalPercentageCompleted, 100
08 Apr 2011, 16:18:32 -07:00, 00:29:15, errorCode, 0, numberOfIgnoredErrors, 0, message, "Successful run"
我发现了为什么 Windows 7 自带的用户状态迁移工具和轻松传输实用程序都无法迁移用户配置文件。
在我们的网络中,我们将“我的文档”、“我的音乐”等特殊文件夹映射到网络位置。任何具有此类映射的用户都会遇到此问题。我们的解决方案是,当每个用户获得新计算机时,暂时禁用重新映射。由于无法完全自动化此操作(用户必须知道“我的文档”不指向他们的文件),我们只使用 Easy Transfer 实用程序。
更新日期:2011 年 5 月 17 日
我发现了一个Microsoft 博客文章确认在文件夹重定向到位时使用 USMT 确实会导致问题。在运行该工具之前暂时禁用文件夹重定向可以帮助我们克服这个障碍……然后继续下一个障碍。
Windows 自带的 Windows Easy Transfer 实用程序似乎可以工作。
我不想含糊其辞,但听起来您的 SCCM 软件包中指定了某些内容,指示 loadstate 将文件放置在重复的默认用户目录中。如果您在 SCCM 中有自定义 miguser.xml 或自定义 USMT 任务序列,请在那里查找重复的目录。不幸的是,我没有足够的信息来准确回答您的问题(需要您的所有 xml 文件、软件包信息)。