我有一台 ASA5505,配置了内部和外部接口以及内部接口的 DHCPD。目前我有一个思科 AP(忘记型号了),只为内部网络广播一个 essid。我想让它广播第二个 essid,并将其放在不同的 vlan 上,这样它就无法访问内部网络。我预见到的问题是获取 dhcp 地址来宾网络。我需要确保分配的 dns 地址是公共 dns,而不是内部 dns(他们将无法访问它)。
这是我的 AP 配置:
dot11 ssid INTERNAL
authentication open
authentication key-management wpa version 2
mbssid guest-mode
wpa-psk ascii 7 XXXX
dot11 ssid GUEST
vlan 3
authentication open
mbssid guest-mode
interface Dot11Radio1
no ip address
ssid GUEST
station-role root
interface BVI1
ip address
对于 ASA,我想添加以下内容:
int eth 0/7
switch port mode acc vlan 3
如何获取访客 essid 的地址?
作为参考,这是我的 ASA 的 DHCPD 配置:
dhcpd dns
dhcpd lease 7200
dhcpd domain blah.com
dhcpd address inside
dhcpd enable inside
Configure a third VLAN (vlan 3)
ASA(config)# int vlan 3
ASA(config-if)# no forward interface Vlan1
ASA(config-if)# nameif GUEST
ASA(config-if)# security-level 50
ASA(config-if)# ip address <ip address> <subnet mask>
Assign the VLAN to a switchport
ASA(config)# int ethernet0/<Interface number>
ASA(config-if)# switchport access vlan 3
Create a new DHCP scope for the guests and apply it to the VLAN
ASA(config)# dhcpd address <start address>-<end address> GUEST
ASA(config)# dhcpd dns <Outside DNS server> interface GUEST
ASA(config)# dhcpd enable GUEST
Enable outbound access by adding to the NAT
ASA(config)# nat (GUEST) 1 <Guest subnet number> <Guest subnet mask>
Configure the Managed switch you are using to connect the AP and the ASA
Configure a port on the switch for the AP
Switch(config)# int ethernet0/<Interface number>
Switch(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan <production vlan number>, 3
Configure a port on the switch for the Guest VLAN
Switch(config)# int ethernet0/<Interface number>
Switch(config-if)# switchport access vlan 3
Configure a port on the switch for the Production VLAN
Switch(config)# int ethernet0/<Interface number>
Switch(config-if)# switchport access vlan <production vlan number>