Phusion Passenger 安装不起作用

Phusion Passenger 安装不起作用

gem install passenger我一直尝试使用以下命令在我的服务器上安装 Phusion Passenger (mod_rails) 的 Nginx 版本,但没有成功passenger-install-nginx-module。一切都很顺利,直到最后出现以下错误:

# sh ./configure --prefix='/opt/nginx' --with-http_ssl_module 
checking for OS
 + Linux 2.6.18-028stab070.14 x86_64
checking for C compiler ... found but is not working

./configure: error: C compiler gcc is not found

I'm not really sure what the problem could be. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Edits from Incognito (rather than adding a million comments):

I'm following the guides here so that I can run redmine on nginx using postgresql. This is rigged by a shell script from passenger-install-nginx-module which runs

sh ./configure --prefix='/opt/nginx' --with-http_ssl_module --with-cc-opt='-Wno-error' --add-module='/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-3.0.9/ext/nginx'

尝试使用 Passenger 安装 nginx 后...


以下是输出的 config.log 的副本:

我最终得到了精确的Ubuntu11 和 Debian 6 上也存在同样的问题。


./configure: error: C compiler gcc is not found

您没有安装 gcc 但您正在尝试用 gcc 编译某些东西。

sudo apt-get install gcc


apt-get install build-essential(如果需要的话,请使用 sudo)在 Debian 中为我解决了类似的问题。


根据Phusion Passenger 的作者 Hongli Lai,请检查您是否/tmp安装了noexec此选项。如果没有,我建议您从源代码手动编译,这样就可以了。
