屏幕命令按键 Ctrl+r?

屏幕命令按键 Ctrl+r?


 screen -S dua -X stuff $'commandhere'

我搜索了很多资源,但仍然没有找到 keypress Ctrl+的命令R


bashshell中Ctrl,+R调用内置命令reverse-search-history (C-r)。这是man 1 bash或 您可以在以下位置找到的部分:bash(1):GNU Bourne-Again SHell - Linux 手册页

reverse-search-history (C-r)

    Search backward starting at the current line and moving 'up' through 
    the history as necessary. This is an incremental search.

唯一可能调用的其他命令是screen用于换行的特定命令,但通常像Ctrl+一样调用a Ctrl r。描述来自man screen或来自屏幕使用手册

Command: wrap state

    (C-a r, C-a C-r)
    Sets the line-wrap setting for the current window. When line-wrap is on,
    the second consecutive printable character output at the last column of a
    line will wrap to the start of the following line. As an added feature, 
    backspace (^H) will also wrap through the left margin to the previous 
    line. Default is ‘on’. 
