

我正在尝试更多地利用我的功能键。我希望物理F1F12显示为F21F32这样我就可以在窗口管理器中将功能分配给F21等(例如,每当我按 时切换到活动聊天窗口F22。)

但是我仍然想访问正常的功能键,因此我希望能够按住物理Caps Lock键并按下F1以生成F1按键。就其他修饰符而言,如果它们保持不变就好了,所以Shift+F1产生Shift + F1(not Shift + F21)。总之:

  • F1->F21
  • Caps+ F1->F1
  • Shift+ F1-> Shift + F1(不变)
  • Alt+ F1-> Alt + F1(不变)
  • ETC。


我尝试使用以下 XKB 片段开始此操作,虽然它生成F21for ,但在按住F1时不会生成原始的 F 键:Caps Lock

xkb_types "hyper" {
    virtual_modifiers Alt,Hyper;
    type "HYPER" {
        modifiers= Hyper+Control+Alt;
        map[Hyper]= Level2;
        map[Control+Alt]= Level3;
        level_name[Level1]= "Extra";
        level_name[Level2]= "Normal";
        level_name[Level3]= "Normal+Ctrl+Alt";

partial function_keys
xkb_symbols "hyper_f21" {

    replace key <FK01> {
        type= "HYPER",
        symbols[Group1]= [           F21,             F1, XF86Switch_VT_1 ]
    replace key <FK02> {
        type= "HYPER",
        symbols[Group1]= [           F22,             F2, XF86Switch_VT_2 ]

partial modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "caps_hyper" {
    replace key <CAPS> {
        [ Hyper_L, Hyper_L ]
    modifier_map Lock { <KPDL> };  # Not sure how to clear modifiers, so assign an unused key
    modifier_map Mod3 { <CAPS> };


Warning:          Type "HYPER" has 3 levels, but <FK01> has 5 symbols
                  Ignoring extra symbols


当我测试此配置时,果然我F21在按下物理F1键时得到了,并且在按下时得到了Hyper_L(和Mod3)设置Caps Lock。但是按Caps Lock+F1会产生Mod3 + F21而不是F1.


与往常一样,在发布问题后不久就解决了这个问题。问题很简单,我正在使用Hyper_L默认分配给Mod4.通过改为Caps Lock相反Hyper_R,它起作用了。但它仍然必须被绑定Mod3,因为仍然需要一个真正的修饰符。


xkb_types "hyper" {
    virtual_modifiers Alt,Hyper;

    type "HYPER" {
        modifiers= Shift+Control+Alt+Hyper;

        map[Shift]= Level2;
        preserve[Shift]= Shift;

        map[Control]= Level2;
        preserve[Control]= Control;

        map[Shift+Control]= Level2;
        preserve[Shift+Control]= Shift+Control;

        map[Alt]= Level2;
        preserve[Alt]= Alt;

        map[Shift+Alt]= Level2;
        preserve[Shift+Alt]= Shift+Alt;

        map[Control+Alt]= Level3;
        preserve[Control+Alt]= Control+Alt;

        map[Shift+Control+Alt]= Level2;
        preserve[Shift+Control+Alt]= Shift+Alt;

        map[Hyper]= Level2;

        level_name[Level1]= "Extra";
        level_name[Level2]= "Normal";
        level_name[Level3]= "Ctrl+Alt";

partial function_keys
xkb_symbols "hyper_f21" {

    replace key <FK01> {
        type= "HYPER",
        symbols[Group1]= [           F21,             F1, XF86Switch_VT_1 ]
    replace key <FK02> {
        type= "HYPER",
        symbols[Group1]= [           F22,             F2, XF86Switch_VT_2 ]

partial modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "caps_hyper" {
    replace key <CAPS> {
        [ Hyper_R ]
    # Remove Hyper (Hyper_L/Hyper_R) from Mod4, was added by "pc" layout
    modifier_map none { <HYPR> };
    # Now make physical caps lock (mapped to Hyper_R above) control Mod3.  Mod3 is
    # associated with the virtual modifier "Hyper" because the existing XKB config
    # links Hyper_L and Hyper_R with this virtual modifier.  Therefore Mod3 becomes
    # the virtual modifier "Hyper" because they both share the same keysym Hyper_R.
    modifier_map Mod3 { <CAPS> };


  • F1->F21
  • Caps+ F1->F1
  • Shift+ F1-> Shift + F1(不变)
  • Alt+ F1-> Alt + F1(不变)
  • 等等-所有其他不变
