因此,我知道在 Windows Server 中,您可以设置 GPO,在密码过期前 x 天通知“Windows 用户”。我的问题是,通知其他平台的最佳/最简单的方法是什么?目前,我们使用一种称为“密码自助服务”的东西,但它从未正常工作过,我想摆脱它。它带来的麻烦比它的价值还要多。
您可以编写一个 PowerShell 脚本,由域控制器上的计划服务运行,该脚本可以查找密码在一定时间内过期的所有用户,并电子邮件每个用户都会收到通知。此解决方案的要求包括足够新的 PowerShell 版本(2.0 或更高版本可能就足够了)、某个点的 SMTP 中继服务器以及在 AD 中为每个用户填充的电子邮件地址字段。脚本必须以提升的权限运行。
$from = "<[email protected]>"
$subject = "Your password on the domain example.com is expiring soon"
$smtpServer = "smtprelay.example.com"
$today = Get-Date
# An HTML formatted e-mail body has been created and saved to a text file.
# This command reads the file into an array, each array element is one line of the file.
$bodyArray = Get-Content -Path "C:\ScriptData\emailbody.txt"
# The e-mail command won't correctly send the array for the e-mail body, we have to convert it to a stream of text.
for ($i=0; $i -lt $bodyArray.Count; $i++) {
$body += $bodyArray[$i]
# Regarding the dates in this next command, it's meant to get passwords
# expiring within seven days (that's where the 8 comes from) and exclude
# passwords that have already expired. In AD, numerical zero means 1/1/1600,
# but outside of AD numerical zero is 1/1/1, so 1600 years must be added to
# dates retrieved from AD to compare them to dates computed in PowerShell
# using Get-Date.
$expiringUsers = Get-ADUser -Filter {Enabled -eq $True -and PasswordNeverExpires -eq $False} -Properties "GivenName","samAccountName","EmailAddress","msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed" | Where-Object {((Get-Date($_.'msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed')).AddYears(1600) -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(8)) -and ((Get-Date($_.'msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed')).AddYears(1600) -gt (Get-Date))}
foreach ($user in $expiringUsers) {
$timeRemaining = New-TimeSpan -Start $today -End (Get-Date($user.'msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed')).AddYears(1600)
$daystopassexpiry = $timeRemaining.Days
# The next command replaces what I'll call constants in the e-mail body file
# with the values retrieved from the user's AD information. This
# personalizes each e-mail.
$newbody = $body -replace "--GIVENNAME--",$user.GivenName -replace "--USERNAME--",$user.SamAccountName -replace "--NUMBER OF DAYS--",$daystopassexpiry -replace "--EMAILADDRESS--",$user.EmailAddress
Send-MailMessage -From $from -To $user.EmailAddress -Subject $subject -BodyAsHTML -Body $newbody -SmtpServer $smtpServer
$newbody = $null
这样我就可以更轻松地找出问题所在。我还建议向自己的 cmdlet-BCC