我如何通过 grep 查找看起来像文本的二进制文件?

我如何通过 grep 查找看起来像文本的二进制文件?

我有二进制文件,它们应该是文本(它们是导出的日志),但我无法用 less 打开它(它看起来很丑 - 它看起来像一个二进制文件)。我发现我可以用 vi 打开它,也可以 cat 它(你会看到实际的日志),但我真正想做的是 grep 浏览它们(而不必用 vi 打开每个文件然后执行搜索)。我有什么办法可以做到这一点吗?


您可以使用grepanyway 来搜索文件 - 它并不关心输入文件是否真的是文本。来自“man grep”:

    -a, --text
          Process a binary file as if it were text; this is equivalent to the --binary-files=text option.

          If  the  first few bytes of a file indicate that the file contains binary data, assume that the file is
          of type TYPE.  By default, TYPE is binary, and grep normally outputs either a one-line  message  saying
          that a binary file matches, or no message if there is no match.  If TYPE is without-match, grep assumes
          that a binary file does not match; this is equivalent  to  the  -I  option.   If  TYPE  is  text,  grep
          processes  a  binary  file  as  if  it  were  text; this is equivalent to the -a option.  Warning: grep
          --binary-files=text might output binary garbage, which can have nasty side effects if the output  is  a
          terminal and if the terminal driver interprets some of it as commands.

请标记第二段末尾的警告字样。您可能希望将 grep 的结果重定向到新文件,并使用 vi / less 检查它。






从 Grep 2.21 开始,二进制文件区别对待

在搜索二进制数据时,grep 现在可以将非文本字节视为行终止符。这可以显著提高性能。


  • 使用--text。这将确保只有换行符是行终止符

  • 使用--null-data。这将确保只有空字节是行终止符
