我有一个 Jenkins 作业在远程节点上运行 signtool 实用程序,控制台日志如下所示:
Started by user anonymous
Building remotely on vm-builder
[VE] $ cmd /c call "C:\Documents and Settings\builder\hudson6959487656440210459.bat"
d:\work\workspace\VE>d:\work\workspace\VE\CodeSign\signtool.exe sign /f d:\work\workspace\VE\CodeSign\Shunra.pfx /p "shunrail" /t http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll /du "www.shunra.com" /v d:\work\workspace\VE\ShunraInstallationServices\lib\net\Release\ShunraInstallationServices.dll
Number of files successfully Signed: 0
Number of warnings: 0
Number of errors: 1
SignTool Error: IStore2::Load returned error: 0x80090345
The requested operation requires delegation to be enabled on the machine.
SignTool Error: An error occurred while attempting to load the signing
certificate from: d:\work\workspace\VE\CodeSign\Shunra.pfx
d:\work\workspace\VE>exit 1
Build step 'Execute Windows batch command' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
输出中的行。这是我以交互方式登录远程计算机时使用的同一帐户,该计算机是运行在 Windows 7 机器上的 XP 虚拟机。当然,该帐户是本地管理员。
现在,从控制台窗口(从 RDP 会话)运行相同的 signtool 命令可以正常工作,但是当 Jenkins 尝试执行它时,我收到此委派错误消息。
bash.exe -c "cd d:\work && java -jar slave.jar" # Jenkins remote execution through sshd on cygwin
cmd # Jenkins sent a request to the java agent to execute this Windows batch file
signtool # This is the signtool invocation
发生了什么事,为什么 signtool 突然抱怨这个委派的事情?