在 centos 服务器上安装 Git 时出错

在 centos 服务器上安装 Git 时出错

我正在尝试在 centos 5.5 上安装 git,但出现以下错误:

git-email- from webtatic has depsolving problems
  --> Missing Dependency: perl(Net::SMTP::SSL) is needed by package git-email- (webtatic)
Error: Missing Dependency: perl(Git) is needed by package git-svn- (webtatic)
Error: Missing Dependency: perl(URI) >= 1.17 is needed by package subversion-1.6.13-0.1.el5.rf.x86_64 (webtatic)
Error: Missing Dependency: perl(Term::ReadKey) is needed by package git-svn- (webtatic)
Error: Missing Dependency: perl(Authen::SASL) is needed by package git-email- (webtatic)
Error: Missing Dependency: perl(DBI) is needed by package git-cvs- (webtatic)
Error: Missing Dependency: perl(Git) is needed by package git-cvs- (webtatic)
Error: Missing Dependency: perl(Error) is needed by package git- (webtatic)
Error: Missing Dependency: perl(Net::SMTP::SSL) is needed by package git-email- (webtatic)
Error: Missing Dependency: perl(Error) is needed by package git-email- (webtatic)
Error: Missing Dependency: perl-Git = is needed by package git- (webtatic)
Error: Missing Dependency: perl(Git) is needed by package git- (webtatic)
Error: Missing Dependency: perl(Git) is needed by package git-email- (webtatic)
Error: Missing Dependency: perl-Git = is needed by package git-email- (webtatic)
Error: Missing Dependency: perl-Git = is needed by package git-all- (webtatic)
 You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
 You could try running: package-cleanup --problems
                        package-cleanup --dupes
                        rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest


rpm -Uvh http://repo.webtatic.com/yum/centos/5/latest.rpm
yum install --enablerepo=webtatic git-all



删除您正在使用的控制面板解决方案,因为它在您的 yum 配置中有排除项,会阻止 Perl 模块。哦,git 在 EPEL 中。
