迁移时 ZFS RaidZ 导入失败

迁移时 ZFS RaidZ 导入失败

因此,连接到我的 FreeNas 7 系统上的 USB 驱动器出现故障,因此我利用这种情况作为升级到 FreeNas 8 的机会。现在的问题是我无法启动 ZFS:

[root@media] ~# zpool import
  pool: filetank
    id: 17702465758427828599
 state: FAULTED
status: The pool was last accessed by another system.
action: The pool cannot be imported due to damaged devices or data.
    The pool may be active on another system, but can be imported using
    the '-f' flag.
   see: http://www.sun.com/msg/ZFS-8000-EY

    filetank    FAULTED  corrupted data
      raidz1    FAULTED  corrupted data
        ada3    ONLINE
        ada1    ONLINE
        ada4    ONLINE
        ada2    ONLINE
[root@media] ~# zpool import -f filetank
cannot import 'filetank': one or more devices is currently unavailable

奇怪的是,raidz 只显示它已损坏,我不知道该怎么办。我发现大多数东西都涉及更换单个设备,但看起来没有任何特定设备发生故障?我回到 FreeNas 7 并得到了相同的错误,这基本上是我所期望的。


尝试zpool import -f -F -n filetank



zpool import -f -F filetank



         Forces import, even if the pool appears to be poten-
         tially active.


         Recovery mode for a non-importable pool. Attempt  to
         return the pool to an importable state by discarding
         the last few transactions. Not all damaged pools can
         be  recovered  by  using this option. If successful,
         the data from the discarded  transactions  is  irre-
         trievably  lost.  This option is ignored if the pool
         is importable or already imported.



         Used with the -F recovery option. Determines whether
         a  non-importable pool can be made importable again,
         but does not actually perform the pool recovery. For
         more  details  about  pool recovery mode, see the -F
         option, above.


尝试使用其数字标识符 (id) 导入它。这通常会产生神奇的效果。

zpool import -f 17702465758427828599

您可能遇到了一个旧的 ZFS 导入错误,导致强制导入仅在通过 id 执行时才可行。请参阅此帖子评论中的解释。


如果没有,您应该检查 zfs 日志,看看是否有关于校验和不匹配的抱怨。如果是这种情况,您可能希望查看 zdb -l /dev/dsk/ad* 告诉您有关磁盘的信息,因为这意味着元数据已损坏。
