如何配置“qsub”以使用像 LSF 或 SGE 这样的调度系统?

如何配置“qsub”以使用像 LSF 或 SGE 这样的调度系统?

有几种调度系统(工作量管理系统)。例如 SGE(Sun Grid Engine)、LSF、PBS。通常在工作站上,使用“qsub”命令可以将作业放入队列中,然后调度系统将从那里接管。我有一些问题:

  • ‘qsub’ 是 Unix 命令吗?
  • qsub 如何与调度系统关联?系统管理员需要配置什么?
  • 哪种调度系统更受欢迎?


* Is 'qsub' a Unix command?

    qsub is the binary used to submit jobs in SUN GRID ENGINE. Just like bsub in LSF

* How does qsub associate with a scheduling system? What does the system admin have to configure?

    qsub associate 100% with the scheduling system. The system admin can configure from nothing "basic installation" to server resource, policies, esub, elims to define the rules on job launching. 

* Which scheduling system is more popular?

    Depends. When we tried SGE couple of years ago it had issues taking more than 10K jobs but now SGE improved a log. At that point we had to opt for Platform LSF, which is a paid scheduling system but works great for large clusters with good monitoring solutions. 
