RHEL 5 有 Openoffice yum repo 吗?

RHEL 5 有 Openoffice yum repo 吗?

我们需要将 Openoffice 作为服务运行,以便反卷积可用于将 Word 文档转换为 PDF。Openoffice 的任何 yum 存储库红帽企业版 5服务器 ?


我在 DAG repo 中特别看到了 unoconv:

$ yum info unoconv
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities
Available Packages
Name       : unoconv
Arch       : noarch
Version    : 0.4
Release    : 1.el5.rf
Size       : 70 k
Repo       : dag
Summary    : Tool to convert between any document format supported by OpenOffice
URL        : http://dag.wieers.com/home-made/unoconv/
License    : GPL
Description: unoconv converts between any document format that OpenOffice understands.
           : It uses OpenOffice's UNO bindings for non-interactive conversion of
           : documents.
           : Supported document formats include Open Document Format (.odf),
           : MS Word (.doc), MS Office Open/MS OOXML (.xml),
           : Portable Document Format (.pdf), HTML, XHTML, RTF, Docbook (.xml),
           : and more.

以下是关于如何启动和运行 DAG 仓库的常见问题解答:http://dag.wieers.com/rpm/FAQ.php#B

RPM 本身位于:http://apt.sw.be/redhat/el5/en/i386/dag/RPMS/unoconv-0.4-1.el5.rf.noarch.rpm
