Apache - 为什么我的 Apache 用户是一个数字?

Apache - 为什么我的 Apache 用户是一个数字?
$ ps aux | grep httpd

1003     22806  0.0  0.3  17624  7684 ?        S    May25   0:00 /opt/web/apache/bin/httpd -k start
1003      4834  0.0  0.3  17624  7684 ?        S    May28   0:00 /opt/web/apache/bin/httpd -k start
1003      5299  0.0  0.3  17740  7804 ?        S    May28   0:00 /opt/web/apache/bin/httpd -k start
1003      5503  0.0  0.3  17624  7684 ?        S    May28   0:00 /opt/web/apache/bin/httpd -k start
1003      5875  0.0  0.3  17624  7684 ?        S    May28   0:00 /opt/web/apache/bin/httpd -k start
1003      5970  0.0  0.3  17624  7684 ?        S    May28   0:00 /opt/web/apache/bin/httpd -k start
1003      6062  0.0  0.3  17624  7672 ?        S    May28   0:00 /opt/web/apache/bin/httpd -k start
1003      6245  0.0  0.3  17624  7684 ?        S    May28   0:00 /opt/web/apache/bin/httpd -k start
1003      6338  0.0  0.3  17624  7672 ?        S    May28   0:00 /opt/web/apache/bin/httpd -k start
1003     24091  0.0  0.3  17624  7764 ?        S    May30   0:00 /opt/web/apache/bin/httpd -k start

我的 apache 用户好像是 1003,不是吗?


ps如果用户名超过一定数量的字符(在您的情况下可能超过 7 或 8 个字符),则使用 UID 号码。


   euser      EUSER   effective user name. This will be the textual
                      user ID, if it can be obtained and the field width
                      permits, or a decimal representation otherwise. The n option
                      can be used to force the decimal representation.
                      (alias uname, user).


用来grep ":1003:" /etc/passwd查看用户名并了解其长度。
