Exchange 2003:事务日志何时提交以及为什么未设置存档位?

Exchange 2003:事务日志何时提交以及为什么未设置存档位?


Exchange 事务日志在完整/正常备份期间提交。增量和差异备份仅备份日志。好的,很清楚。但他还提到,提交的频率取决于数据库大小。

如果第二个条件成立,那么日志不仅会在完整/正常备份中提交,这意味着应该设置 EDB 和 STM 文件的存档位,因为它们已经更改。那么为什么 EDB 和 STM 文件没有在差异和增量备份中备份,它们都使用存档位,不是吗?


微软的这个链接解释了一下Exchange 2003 中的事务日志

我认为您谈论的是两件让您感到困惑的事情。存档位只是在文件系统的外部备份期间跟踪更改的文件。已提交的事务供 Exchange 数据库在意外关闭时参考。事务首先写入事务日志,然后提交到 Exchange 数据库。检查点文件会跟踪哪些事务日志已提交到 Exchange 数据库,因此如果您必须恢复 Exchange,它会知道必须从事务日志中恢复哪些事务以及哪些事务已提交到数据库。

此链接解释了一下Exchange 备份过程。执行完整备份会从磁盘上物理清除事务日志文件等,但与物理事务日志上的存档位无关。以下是链接的摘录:

备份或还原操作期间 VSS、Exchange 写入器和 Exchange Server 2003 之间的高级交互如下:

1. The backup program (or agent) runs a scheduled job.
2. The VSS requestor in the backup/restore application sends a command to the VSS to take a shadow copy of the selected Exchange Server 2003 storage groups.
3. The VSS communicates with the Exchange writer to prepare for a snapshot backup. Exchange Server 2003 prohibits administrative actions against the storage group, checks volume dependencies, and suspends all write operations to database and transaction log files while allowing read-only access.
4. The VSS communicates with the appropriate storage provider to create a shadow copy of the storage volume that contains the Exchange Server 2003 storage group.
5. The VSS releases Exchange Server 2003 to resume ordinary operations.
6. The VSS requestor verifies the integrity of the backup set prior to signaling the backup was successful. Exchange Server 2003 truncates the transaction logs and records the time of the last backup for the database.


与尝试理解我那可怕而复杂的解释相比,阅读链接中的信息可能会给你带来更多收获 :)


Exchange(和 SQL Server internal=)备份根本不依赖于存档位,这是对外部备份工具的提醒。

