我们这里有一台运行 Exchange 2003 的邮件服务器,但我们是一个大型 Exchange 组的一部分 - 全世界有大约 10 个 Outlook 邮件服务器,我们只是其中一个管理组。我们可以通过 OWA 访问电子邮件,我检查了我们的服务器,它是 RPC-HTTP 后端服务器,并且安装了 RPC。我们可以通过 VPN、局域网和 OWA 连接,但我无法通过互联网让它工作。有什么建议吗
ExRCA is attempting to test Autodiscover for xxxxxxx@xxxxxxx
Testing Autodiscover failed.
Test Steps
Attempting each method of contacting the Autodiscover service.
The Autodiscover service couldn't be contacted successfully by any method.
Test Steps
Attempting to test potential Autodiscover URL https://xxxxxxxxxxxxx/AutoDiscover/AutoDiscover.xml
Testing of this potential Autodiscover URL failed.
Test Steps
Attempting to resolve the host name xxxxxxxxxxxxx.com in DNS.
The host name resolved successfully.
Additional Details
IP addresses returned:
Testing TCP port 443 on host xxxxxxxxx.com to ensure it's listening and open.
The port was opened successfully.
Testing the SSL certificate to make sure it's valid.
The SSL certificate failed one or more certificate validation checks.
Test Steps
ExRCA is attempting to obtain the SSL certificate from remote server xxxxxxxxx.com on port 443.
ExRCA successfully obtained the remote SSL certificate.
Additional Details
Remote Certificate Subject: CN=www.xxxxxxxxx.com, OU=Domain Control Validated, O=www.xxxxxxxxx.com, Issuer: SERIALNUMBER=xxxxxxxxx, CN=Go Daddy Secure Certification Authority, OU=http://certificates.godaddy.com/repository, O="GoDaddy.com, Inc.", L=Scottsdale, S=Arizona, C=US.
Validating the certificate name.
The certificate name was validated successfully.
Additional Details
Host name xxxxxxxxx.com was found in the Certificate Subject Alternative Name entry.
Testing the certificate date to confirm the certificate is valid.
Date validation failed.
Additional Details
The certificate has expired. NotAfter = 7/16/2010 11:51:38 PM (UTC)
Attempting to test potential Autodiscover URL https://autodiscover.xxxxxxxxx.com/AutoDiscover/AutoDiscover.xml
Testing of this potential Autodiscover URL failed.
Test Steps
Attempting to resolve the host name autodiscover.xxxxxxxxx.com in DNS.
The host name couldn't be resolved.
Tell me more about this issue and how to resolve it
Additional Details
Host autodiscover.xxxxxxxxx.com couldn't be resolved in DNS InfoDomainNonexistent.
Attempting to contact the Autodiscover service using the HTTP redirect method.
The attempt to contact Autodiscover using the HTTP Redirect method failed.
Test Steps
Attempting to resolve the host name autodiscover.xxxxxxxxx.com in DNS.
The host name couldn't be resolved.
Tell me more about this issue and how to resolve it
Additional Details
Host autodiscover.xxxxxxxxx.com couldn't be resolved in DNS InfoDomainNonexistent.
Attempting to contact the Autodiscover service using the DNS SRV redirect method.
ExRCA failed to contact the Autodiscover service using the DNS SRV redirect method.
Test Steps
Attempting to locate SRV record _autodiscover._tcp.xxxxxxxxx.com in DNS.
The Autodiscover SRV record wasn't found in DNS.
Tell me more about this issue and how to resolve it
访问 testexchangeconnectivity.com 以找到问题的根源。您只需要打开端口 80/443,然后正确配置 Outlook 客户端(您可能需要将其设置为基本身份验证,但请确保同时使用 SSL)。此外,请确保正确配置了 ValidPorts 注册表项(它应该包括domain.com