$serverlist = Get-Content -Path c:\Users\jasonbe\Serverlist.txt
$Path = "\z$\Backups\daily\Daily_Year2012Month7Day1.bkf"
$smtp = "mailserverhost"
$to = "[email protected]"
$from = "[email protected]"
$sub = "Server Status"
$body = @"
foreach ($server in $serverlist)
{if ((Test-Path "\\$server\$Path") -eq $False)
{write-host -ForegroundColor Red "$server needs backup"}
elseif ((Test-Path "\\$Server\$Path") -eq $True)
{write-host -ForegroundColor blue "$server has backup"}}
send-MailMessage -SmtpServer $smtp -To $to -Subject $sub -Body $body -From $from
$serverlist = Get-Content -Path c:\Users\jasonbe\Serverlist.txt
$bkf = "Daily_Year$(date -F yyyy)Month$(date -F MM)Day$(date -F dd).bkf" <# Added dynamic date variable so it doesn't have to be updated manually each time #>
$Path = "z$\Backups\daily\$bkf" <# removed beginning '\' since it will screw up the Test-Path check below #>
[array]$array = $null <# declare a null array that we add data to later (also resets the variable to null if running multiple times) #>
foreach ($server in $serverlist) {
if ((Test-Path \\$server\$Path) -eq $False) { <# no need to quote the path #>
write-host -ForegroundColor Red "$server needs backup"
$array += "$server needs backup" <# added update to $array variable #>
else { <#if ((Test-Path "\\$($Server)\$Path") -eq $True)#> <# no need to check for this since it must be True at this point in the script #>
write-host -ForegroundColor blue "$server has backup"
$array += "$server has backup" <# added update to $array variable #>
$EmailBody = ForEach ($row in $array) {"`r`n",$row} <# puts each addition to the $body variable on its own line in the e-mail, otherwise they will all run together.#>
$messageParameters = @{ <# put all e-mail variables in another variable to simplify send-MailMessage command #>
SmtpServer = "mailserverhost"
To = "[email protected]"
From = "[email protected]"
Subject = "Server Status"
Body = "$($Emailbody)"
send-MailMessage @messageParameters