Monit 无法运行

Monit 无法运行

我有两个相同的 EC2 实例(第二个是第一个的副本),运行 Gentoo。第一个实例正在运行 monit,它监视单个进程和一些系统资源,并且运行良好。

在第二个实例中,monit 运行但立即退出。两个实例的配置类似,monit 的版本也类似。


[GMT Oct  3 08:36:41] info     : monit daemon with PID 5 awakened

节目最后几句台词strace monit

write(2, "monit daemon with PID 5 awakened"..., 33monit daemon with PID 5 awakened ) = 33
time(NULL)                              = 1349252827
open("/etc/localtime", O_RDONLY)        = 4
fstat64(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=118, ...}) = 0
fstat64(4, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=118, ...}) = 0
mmap2(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0xb773a000
read(4, "TZif2\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\0"..., 4096) = 118
_llseek(4, -6, [112], SEEK_CUR)         = 0
read(4, "\nGMT0\n", 4096)               = 6
close(4)                                = 0
munmap(0xb773a000, 4096)                = 0
write(3, "[GMT Oct  3 08:27:07] info     :"..., 33) = 33
write(3, "monit daemon with PID 5 awakened"..., 33) = 33
waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG)              = -1 ECHILD (No child processes)
close(3)                                = 0
exit_group(0)                           = ?

无核心转储(ulimit -c显示unlimited

monit -v显示:

monit: Debug: Adding host allow 'localhost'
monit: Debug: Skipping redundant host 'localhost'
monit: Debug: Skipping redundant host 'localhost'
monit: Debug: Adding credentials for user 'xxxx'.
Runtime constants:
 Control file       = /etc/monitrc
 Log file           = /var/log/monit/monit.log
 Pid file           = /var/run/
 Id file            = /var/run/
 Debug              = True
 Log                = True
 Use syslog         = False
 Is Daemon          = True
 Use process engine = True
 Poll time          = 30 seconds with start delay 0 seconds
 Expect buffer      = 256 bytes
 Event queue        = base directory /var/monit with 100 slots
 Mail server(s)     = with timeout 30 seconds
 Mail from          = (not defined)
 Mail subject       = (not defined)
 Mail message       = (not defined)
 Start monit httpd  = True
 httpd bind address = Any/All
 httpd portnumber   = 2812
 httpd signature    = True
 Use ssl encryption = False
 httpd auth. style  = Basic Authentication and Host/Net allow list
 Alert mail to      = [email protected]
   Alert on         = All events

The service list contains the following entries:

System Name           = xxxx
 Monitoring mode      = active
 CPU wait limit       = if greater than 20.0% 1 times within 1 cycle(s) then alert else if succeeded 1 times within 1 cycle(s) then alert
 CPU system limit     = if greater than 30.0% 1 times within 1 cycle(s) then alert else if succeeded 1 times within 1 cycle(s) then alert
 CPU user limit       = if greater than 70.0% 1 times within 1 cycle(s) then alert else if succeeded 1 times within 1 cycle(s) then alert
 Swap usage limit     = if greater than 25.0% 1 times within 1 cycle(s) then alert else if succeeded 1 times within 1 cycle(s) then alert
 Memory usage limit   = if greater than 75.0% 1 times within 1 cycle(s) then alert else if succeeded 1 times within 1 cycle(s) then alert
 Load avg. (5min)     = if greater than 2.0 1 times within 1 cycle(s) then alert else if succeeded 1 times within 1 cycle(s) then alert
 Load avg. (1min)     = if greater than 4.0 1 times within 1 cycle(s) then alert else if succeeded 1 times within 1 cycle(s) then alert

Process Name          = xxxx
 Group                = server
 Pid file             = /var/run/
 Monitoring mode      = active
 Start program        = '/etc/init.d/xxxx restart' timeout 20 second(s)
 Stop program         = '/etc/init.d/xxxx stop' timeout 30 second(s)
 Existence            = if does not exist 1 times within 1 cycle(s) then restart else if succeeded 1 times within 1 cycle(s) then alert
 Pid                  = if changed 1 times within 1 cycle(s) then alert
 Ppid                 = if changed 1 times within 1 cycle(s) then alert
 Timeout              = If restarted 3 times within 5 cycle(s) then unmonitor
 Alert mail to        = [email protected]
   Alert on           = All events
 Alert mail to        = [email protected]
   Alert on           = All events

monit daemon with PID 5 awakened

emerge --sync之前运行过emerge -va monit,安装了 monit v5.3.2。当它不起作用时,我从他们的网站下载了 v5.5,并从源代码编译,但还是不起作用。




删除此文件并重新启动 monit 后,一切都正常了。引起我怀疑的是这一行monit daemon with PID 5 awakened非常奇怪,因为新运行的进程应该具有更高的 PID,所以我去检查了 .pid 文件。


我已经在 EBS 支持的 EC2 实例上加载了 Monit(使用 AWS 的标准 Linux 版本)。

由于我的配置错误,Monit 在启动/重新启动时对我来说不可靠。在配置文件 /etc/monit.conf 中,我有以下行,这是不正确的:

set idfile /var/run/


set idfile /var/run/

