

有时在繁忙的 Pressflow 网站上,我注意到未经身份验证的用户会超时,而服务器的端口远未饱和,有大量未使用的内存并且服务器负载非常低。

此外,自从我迁移到新的 Varnish 服务器并采用新配置后,网站的带宽使用量下降了约 30%。因此,我怀疑下降可能是由于 Varnish 的错误配置造成的。


DAEMON_OPTS="-a :80 \
              -T localhost:6082 \
              -b localhost:8080 \
              -u varnish -g varnish \
              -S /etc/varnish/secret \
               -p thread_pools=14 \
               -p thread_pool_min=200  \
               -p thread_pool_max=5000 \
               -p listen_depth=128 \
               -p thread_pool_add_delay=2\
               -p lru_interval=20 \
               -h classic,72227  \
               -p session_linger=120 \
               -p sess_workspace=32768 \
               -p connect_timeout=600 \
               -s malloc,15G"

# 这是 varnishstat 的最新输出:

Hitrate ratio:       10       13       13
Hitrate avg:     0.8405   0.8408   0.8408

    21003013       158.92       129.32 Client connections accepted
    35390015       283.85       217.91 Client requests received
     4696051        26.99        28.92 Cache hits
          79         0.00         0.00 Cache hits for pass
      939223         4.00         5.78 Cache misses
    10041628        89.95        61.83 Backend conn. success
         108         0.00         0.00 Backend conn. failures
    20651750       162.92       127.16 Backend conn. reuses
     3202624        22.99        19.72 Backend conn. was closed
    23854404       187.90       146.88 Backend conn. recycles
       17397         0.00         0.11 Fetch head
    20499527       189.90       126.22 Fetch with Length
     6536900        37.98        40.25 Fetch chunked
     2410249        15.99        14.84 Fetch wanted close
           4         0.00         0.00 Fetch failed
        2261          .            .   N struct sess_mem
        1728          .            .   N struct sess
      263703          .            .   N struct object
      264848          .            .   N struct objectcore
      138282          .            .   N struct objecthead
         116          .            .   N struct vbe_conn
        2800          .            .   N worker threads
        2801         0.00         0.02 N worker threads created
        2889         0.00         0.02 N worker threads limited
         832         0.00         0.01 N overflowed work requests
           1          .            .   N backends
      658946          .            .   N expired objects
        6948          .            .   N LRU nuked objects
     3425448          .            .   N LRU moved objects
    31922006       257.87       196.56 Objects sent with write
    21002526       160.92       129.32 Total Sessions
    35390015       283.85       217.91 Total Requests
         750         0.00         0.00 Total pipe
    29752808       252.87       183.20 Total pass

所以我的问题是:我怎么知道 Varnish 线程是否已经饱和?我应该如何操作参数来提高吞吐量?谢谢


我主要建议调整thread_pool_min和thread_pool_max,其他值没有太大帮助。-p thread_pools=2 \ -p thread_pool_min=500 \ -p thread_pool_max=5000 \

具体来说,将 thread_pools 设置为 CPU 数量根本没有帮助,可能会降低您的机器速度。这只是一个猜测,但也许这已经解决了您的问题!:)

