如何使用给定的 IP 地址测试 HTTPS URL

如何使用给定的 IP 地址测试 HTTPS URL

假设一个网站在多台服务器之间进行负载平衡。我想运行一个命令来测试它是否正常工作,例如curl DOMAIN.TLD。因此,为了隔离每个 IP 地址,我会手动指定 IP。但许多网站可能托管在服务器上,因此我仍然会提供一个主机标头,如下所示:curl IP_ADDRESS -H 'Host: DOMAIN.TLD'。据我了解,这两个命令会创建完全相同的 HTTP 请求。唯一的区别是,在后者中,我从 cURL 中取出 DNS 查找部分并手动执行此操作(如果我错了,请纠正我)。

到目前为止一切顺利。但现在我想对 HTTPS URL 执行相同操作。同样,我可以像这样测试它curl https://DOMAIN.TLD。但我想手动指定 IP,所以我运行curl https://IP_ADDRESS -H 'Host: DOMAIN.TLD'。现在我收到 cURL 错误:

curl: (51) SSL: certificate subject name 'DOMAIN.TLD' does not match target host name 'IP_ADDRESS'.

我当然可以通过告诉 cURL 不要关心证书(“-k”选项)来解决这个问题,但这并不理想。

有没有办法将连接的 IP 地址与经过 SSL 认证的主机隔离?


我认为通过 cURL 手册找到了解决方案:

curl https://DOMAIN.EXAMPLE --resolve 'DOMAIN.EXAMPLE:443:'

在 [curl] 7.21.3 中添加。在 7.42.0 中添加了删除支持。




--resolve <host:port:address>

    Provide  a  custom  address  for  a specific host and port pair. Using
    this, you can make the curl requests(s) use a specified address and 
    prevent the otherwise normally resolved address to be used. Consider 
    it a sort of /etc/hosts alternative provided on the command line. 
    The port number should be the number used for the specific protocol 
    the host will be used for. It means you need several entries if you 
    want to provide address for the same host but different ports.

    The provided address set by this option will be used even if -4, 
    --ipv4 or -6, --ipv6 is set to make curl use another IP version.

    This option can be used many times to add many host names to resolve.

    Added in 7.21.3.


--connect-to <HOST1:PORT1:HOST2:PORT2>

    For  a request to the given HOST:PORT pair, connect to 
    CONNECT-TO-HOST:CONNECT-TO-PORT instead. This option is suitable 
    to direct requests at a specific server, e.g. at a specific cluster 
    node in a cluster of servers. This option is only used to establish 
    the network connection. It does NOT affect the hostname/port that 
    is used for TLS/SSL (e.g. SNI, certificate verification) or for 
    the application protocols. "host" and "port" may be the empty string, 
    meaning "any host/port". "connect-to-host" and "connect-to-port" 
    may also be the empty string, meaning "use the request's original host/port".

    This option can be used many times to add many connect rules.

    See also --resolve and -H, --header. 
    Added in 7.49.0.


curl https://domain.example --connect-to domain.example:443:


您可以在 /etc/hosts 中进行更改,让服务器认为该域位于某个 IP。

语法如下: www.domain.tld

这将使得 cURL 使用您想要的 IP 地址,而无需破坏 SSL 证书。


如果你在 Windows 中运行 curl,请使用双引号

curl https://DOMAIN.TLD --resolve "DOMAIN.TLD:443:IP_ADDRESS"


您可以跳过前面的方案/协议,但不能跳过--resolve 字符串中的端口号。
