Bacula 在 2GB 之后停止写入磁盘卷

Bacula 在 2GB 之后停止写入磁盘卷

Bacula 版本:5.2.5

我已经配置 bacula 将卷写入磁盘,但是一旦达到 2gb,bacula 就会停止写入卷。文件系统不是问题,因为我存储的文件大于 2gb。

06-Dec 17:22 backup-sd JobId 8421: End of Volume "Full-Monthly-0005" at 0:2147475577 on device "FileStorage" (/nfs/backup-pool). Write of 64512 bytes got 8069.
06-Dec 17:22 backup-sd JobId 8421: End of medium on Volume "Full-Monthly-0005" Bytes=2,147,475,578 Blocks=33,288 at 06-Dec-2012 17:22.

backup1@backup:/nfs/backup-pool$ ls -alh Full-Monthly-0005 <br>
-rw-r----- 1 bacula tape 2.0G Dec  3 16:14 Full-Monthly-0005

Pool {
 Name = Full-Monthly
 Pool Type = Backup
 Recycle = yes
 Volume Retention = 5 months
 Volume Use Duration = 1 day
 Maximum Volumes = 5
 Maximum Volume Bytes = 12gb

Device {
 Name = FileStorage
 Media Type = File
 Archive Device = /nfs/backup-pool
 LabelMedia = yes                   # lets Bacula label unlabeled media
 Random Access = Yes
 RemovableMedia = no
 AlwaysOpen = no
 Label media = yes
 Maximum Volume Size = 12gb



文件系统不是问题,因为我存储的文件大于 2gb

再检查一下。文件系统显然是通过 NFS 安装的,而 NFSv2 客户端只能访问文件的前 2GB。因此,即使文件系统上有其他 2GB 以上的文件,也无法完全通过 NFS 处理它们。
