CentOS 5 上的 /usr/bin/python (Python 2.4) 被删除了。我从源代码编译,但 yum 仍然无法使用。我怎样才能让一切恢复原状?

CentOS 5 上的 /usr/bin/python (Python 2.4) 被删除了。我从源代码编译,但 yum 仍然无法使用。我怎样才能让一切恢复原状?

我看到了很多类似的问题,但没有一个能回答我遇到问题的确切部分(实际上是安装 Python RPM)。我的系统上的某个人在我的 64 位 CentOS 5.8 安装中删除了 /usr/bin/python 和 /usr/bin/python2.4。我从源代码重新编译了 Python 2.4,但现在每当我尝试 yum 安装任何东西时,我都会收到以下错误:

[root@cerulean-OW1 ~]# yum install httpd
There was a problem importing one of the Python modules
required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was:

   No module named yum

Please install a package which provides this module, or
verify that the module is installed correctly.

It's possible that the above module doesn't match the
current version of Python, which is:
2.4 (#1, Dec 16 2012, 09:16:56)
[GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-52)]

If you cannot solve this problem yourself, please go to
the yum faq at:


If you are getting a message that yum itself is the missing module then you probably installed it incorreclty (or installed the source rpm using make/make install). If possible, find a prebuilt rpm that will work for your system like one from Fedora or CentOS. Or, you can download the srpm and do a

rpmbuild --rebuild yum*.src.rpm 


[root@cerulean-OW1 ~]# rpm -Uvh python-2.4.3-46.el5.x86_64.rpm                  
error: Failed dependencies:
    python-libs-x86_64 = 2.4.3-46.el5 is needed by python-2.4.3-46.el5.x86_64

因此我尝试安装 python-libs-x86_64,结果如下:

[root@cerulean-OW1 ~]# rpm -Uvh python-libs-2.4.3-46.el5_8.2.x86_64.rpm
warning: python-libs-2.4.3-46.el5_8.2.x86_64.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 192a7d7d
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
        package python-libs-2.4.3-46.el5_8.2.x86_64 is already installed
        file /usr/lib64/libpython2.4.so.1.0 from install of python-libs-2.4.3-46.el5_8.2.x86_64 conflicts with file from package python-libs-2.4.3-46.el5_8.2.x86_64


使用RPM 的--replacefiles --replacepkgs--nodeps选项强制重新安装这些软件包:

rpm --replacefiles --replacepkgs --nodeps -ivh python-libs-2.4.3-46.el5_8.2.x86_64.rpm python-2.4.3-46.el5.x86_64.rpm 

一旦 python 再次处于半工作状态,您应该使用它yum distro-sync来安装系统包的当前版本(如果这些版本不是最新的)。


是的,你应该从 RPM 重新安装 python。我假设你有一些 Centos 安装介质,因为你显然已经安装了它。如果没有:




对于您提到的配置(64 位 CentOS 5.8),请从这里下载您的软件包(python 及其依赖项):http://mirror.centos.org/centos/5.8/updates/x86_64/RPMS/

然后做一个转速-ivh下载后,使用以下命令安装 yumrpmbuild --重建 yum*.src.rpm
