镜像目录,仅清除目标目录中超过 7 天的文件

镜像目录,仅清除目标目录中超过 7 天的文件

我想要镜像一个目录,但只删除目标目录中超过 7 天的文件。


- Directory A is mirrored to Directory B.
- A file from Directory A is deleted

我希望该文件在目录 B 中保留 7 天。如果 7 天后该文件在目录 A 中仍不存在,则该文件将被删除。


- Use Free File Sync to mirror Directory A to Directory B. Extra files in Directory B are moved (termed versioning within Free File Sync) to a temp directory
- Use a powershell script to update date modified to current date for all files in the temp directory
- Move contents of temp directory to a delete pending directory using robocopy
- Use Delage32 program to delete files and empty directories older (date modified) than 7 days in the delete pending directory.


如果 robocopy 会更新目标目录中的时间戳,即使没有进行任何复制,我也可以不使用 robocopy /mir 选项和 delage32。就像 robocopy 中整合的 unix touch 命令一样。有什么建议或替代方案吗?


这是一个简单的 PowerShell 脚本,它将执行您要查找的操作。适当更改FolderAFolderB。此外,-whatif只会告诉您它将执行的操作,而不会执行任何操作。一旦您验证了您要执行的操作是正确的,只需删除即可-whatif

#This sets $FolderA to the directory you want to copy from    
$FolderA = "v:\FolderA"
#This sets $FolderB to the directory you want to copy to
$FolderB = "v:\FolderB" 
#This does the copy (Note the -whatif to make sure this is what you want)
Copy-Item -Path "$FolderA\*" -Destination $FolderB -WhatIf
#This does a compare of Directory A and B, and removes all files that only exist in Directory B that haven't been access for 7 days. (Again, notices the -whatif at the end)
Compare-Object (Get-ChildItem $FolderA) (Get-ChildItem $FolderB) ` #The [`] tells PowerShell the command will continue on the next line
    | where {$_.SideIndicator -eq "=>"} `
    | where {$_.InputObject.LastWriteTime -le (Get-Date).Adddays(-7)} `
    | Foreach { Remove-Item -Path $_.InputObject.FullName -WhatIf}
