跨 AD 服务器的 Active Directory 上次登录复制

跨 AD 服务器的 Active Directory 上次登录复制

我们需要运行一个查询,该查询将在 n 天不活动后自动禁用帐户。有人告诉我,由于我们有多个 AD 服务器,如果用户登录,比如说登录到 ADserver1,则上次登录信息不会复制到 ADserver2。我如何才能在所有 AD 服务器上复制上次登录信息?


这是 Richard Mueller 编写的 Powershell 脚本,我发现它很有用。它会查询您域中的所有 AD 服务器并报告所有用户/计算机的最近登录时间,因此可能需要进行一些手动编辑才能满足您的需求。不过,这是一个很好的起点。

# PSLastLogon.ps1
# PowerShell script to determine when each user in the domain last
# logged on.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2011 Richard L. Mueller
# Hilltop Lab web site - http://www.rlmueller.net
# Version 1.0 - March 16, 2011
# This program queries every Domain Controller in the domain to find the
# largest (latest) value of the lastLogon attribute for each user. The
# last logon dates for each user are converted into local time. The
# times are adjusted for daylight savings time, as presently configured.
# You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce, and
# distribute this script file in any way you find useful, provided that
# you agree that the copyright owner above has no warranty, obligations,
# or liability for such use.

Trap {"Error: $_"; Break;}

$D = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain()
$Domain = [ADSI]"LDAP://$D"
$Searcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$Searcher.PageSize = 200
$Searcher.SearchScope = "subtree"

# Switch this to search for computers or users
$Searcher.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=computer))"
# $Searcher.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=user))"

$Searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add("distinguishedName") > $Null
$Searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add("lastLogon") > $Null

# Create hash table of users and their last logon dates.
$arrUsers = @{}

# Enumerate all Domain Controllers.
ForEach ($DC In $D.DomainControllers)
    $Server = $DC.Name
    $Searcher.SearchRoot = "LDAP://$Server/" + $Domain.distinguishedName
    $Results = $Searcher.FindAll()
    ForEach ($Result In $Results)
        $DN = $Result.Properties.Item("distinguishedName")
        $LL = $Result.Properties.Item("lastLogon")
        If ($LL.Count -eq 0)
            $Last = [DateTime]0
            $Last = [DateTime]$LL.Item(0)
        If ($Last -eq 0)
            $LastLogon = $Last.AddYears(1600)
            $LastLogon = $Last.AddYears(1600).ToLocalTime()
        If ($arrUsers.ContainsKey("$DN"))
            If ($LastLogon -gt $arrUsers["$DN"])
                $arrUsers["$DN"] = $LastLogon
            $arrUsers.Add("$DN", $LastLogon)

# Output latest last logon date for each user.
$Users = $arrUsers.Keys
ForEach ($DN In $Users)
    $Date = $arrUsers["$DN"]
    If ($Date -eq "01/01/1601 00:00:00") {$Date = "1/1/1900 12:00:00"}
    $DN = [regex]::Match($DN,'CN=([^,]+)').Groups[1].Value 



如果它不在您的环境中,那么复制就会中断,并且检索用户的上次登录时间就是您最不关心的问题,因为您的 AD 实现已发生不可挽回的损坏(或者当您的域控制器开始相互墓碑化时很快就会发生损坏)。

顺便,看来这篇关于 lastLogontimestamp 的文章可能会让你感兴趣

每次用户或计算机登录域时,lastLogontimeStamp 属性都不会更新。更新值的决定基于当前日期减去(ms-DS-Logon-Time-Sync-Interval 属性减去随机百分比 5)的值。如果结果等于或大于 lastLogontimeStamp,则更新该属性。对于 lastLogontimeStamp 的复制没有特殊考虑。如果更新了该属性,则像任何其他属性更新一样进行复制。


此属性不会被复制,而是在域中的每个域控制器上单独维护。要获取用户在域中的上次登录的准确值,必须从域中的每个域控制器检索用户的 Last-Logon 属性。检索到的最大值是该用户的真实上次登录时间。
