赛勒斯的 lrswipkxtecda

赛勒斯的 lrswipkxtecda

到底是什么伊尔斯维普克克斯泰克达在赛勒斯?我了解到从这里它与 Cyrus 邮箱的 ACL 有关,但有人能对此提供更多解释吗?每个字母代表什么吗?




IMAP4 允许使用共享邮箱。因此,对用户对邮箱的权限进行一些控制是有意义的。这些权限通过访问控制列表 (ACL) 定义。Cyrus IMAPd 使用 ACL 来控制对任何类型的邮箱(无论是私人邮箱、共享邮箱还是公共邮箱)的访问。

每个邮箱都包含一个 ACL,即访问控制条目列表。这些条目包含用户 ID 以及用户对特定邮箱的权限。


l - lookup (mailbox is visible to LIST/LSUB commands, SUBSCRIBE
r - read (SELECT the mailbox, perform STATUS)
s - keep seen/unseen information across sessions (set or clear
    \SEEN flag via STORE, also set \SEEN during APPEND/COPY/
    FETCH BODY[...])
w - write (set or clear flags other than \SEEN and \DELETED via
    STORE, also set them during APPEND/COPY)
i - insert (perform APPEND, COPY into mailbox)
p - post (send mail to submission address for mailbox,
    not enforced by IMAP4 itself)
k - create mailboxes (CREATE new sub-mailboxes in any
    implementation-defined hierarchy, parent mailbox for the new
    mailbox name in RENAME)
x - delete mailbox (DELETE mailbox, old mailbox name in RENAME)
t - delete messages (set or clear \DELETED flag via STORE, set
    \DELETED flag during APPEND/COPY)
e - perform EXPUNGE and expunge as a part of CLOSE

从 RFC4314 (第 2.1.1 节) 开始,“c”和“d”已过时。

要管理 cyrus 中的 ACL,您可以使用 cyradm:

setaclmailbox shared.questions jenny lrs
listaclmailbox shared.questions
deleteaclmailbox shared.questions jenny


  • 使用较短的命令名称:sam,,lamdam
  • 对邮箱使用通配符:sam shared.* jenny lrs
  • 使用anyone为所有用户设置权限:sam shared.* anyone lrswipkxtecda
  • 使用全部来允许一切:sam shared.* anyone all
  • 在用户名前面加上破折号可用于“删除”邮箱的权限:sam shared.secret -edgar all


我猜这些是邮箱的 ACL 代码。我只是猜测,因为你给出的是毫无背景

一些 ACL 代码(来自 h埃雷)。

l  Look up the name of the mailbox (but not its contents).
r  Read the contents of the mailbox.
s  Preserve the "seen" and "recent" status of messages across IMAP sessions.
w  Write (change message flags such as "recent," "answered," and "draft").
i  Insert (move or copy) a message into the mailbox.
p  Post a message in the mailbox by sending the message
c  Create a new mailbox below the top-level mailbox (ordinary users cannot create top-level mailboxes).
d  Delete a message and/or the mailbox itself.
a  Administer the mailbox (change the mailbox's ACL).
