mcelog 无法启动 PUIAS 6.4 amd 硬件

mcelog 无法启动 PUIAS 6.4 amd 硬件


我完全是 Linux 新手。我正尝试在运行 PUIAS 6.4 (i86_64) 的计算节点之一上部署 mcelog

[root@lov3 edac]# uname -a
Linux 2.6.32-358.18.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Aug 27 22:40:32 EDT 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

在 AMD 硬件上免费克隆 Red Hat 6.4

[root@lov3 mcelog]# lscpu
Architecture:          x86_64
CPU op-mode(s):        32-bit, 64-bit
Byte Order:            Little Endian
CPU(s):                64
On-line CPU(s) list:   0-63
Thread(s) per core:    2
Core(s) per socket:    8
Socket(s):             4
NUMA node(s):          8
Vendor ID:             AuthenticAMD
CPU family:            21
Model:                 2
Stepping:              0
CPU MHz:               1400.000
BogoMIPS:              4999.30
Virtualization:        AMD-V
L1d cache:             16K
L1i cache:             64K
L2 cache:              2048K
L3 cache:              6144K
NUMA node0 CPU(s):     0-7
NUMA node1 CPU(s):     8-15
NUMA node2 CPU(s):     16-23
NUMA node3 CPU(s):     24-31
NUMA node4 CPU(s):     32-39
NUMA node5 CPU(s):     40-47
NUMA node6 CPU(s):     48-55
NUMA node7 CPU(s):     56-63

除了我想将 mcelog 作为守护进程运行并记录错误之外,我的 mcelog.conf 文件或多或少是默认的。当我启动 mcelog 时

[root@lov3 mcelog]# mcelog --config-file mcelog.conf
AMD Processor family 21: Please load edac_mce_amd module.


[root@lov3 mcelog]# locate edac_mce_amd.ko


[root@lov3 edac]# lsmod | grep mce       
edac_mce_amd           14705  1 amd64_edac_mod

我能做些什么来让 mcelog 正常工作?我找到的唯一参考资料是这个帖子


mcelog 不适用于该 AMD CPU 或更新版本(如 所示mcelog.c family >= 15)。AMD EPYC 处理器也存在同样的问题。

不要使用 mcelog,而要使用内核模块edac_mce_amd,它会将 MCE 日志放入内核日志中,该日志最终会通过 syslog 记录到磁盘上。这次 mcelog 可能会为您加载该模块,但我建议在启动时以其他方式加载它,例如/etc/initramfs-tools/modules基于 Debian 的 Linux 上的文件和update-initramfs -u

但是我找不到任何说明这种日志格式的东西...所以这里是根据 Linux 源代码得出的一个猜测...


#define HW_ERR         "[Hardware Error]: "

在中drivers/edac/mce_amd.c,我们会看到类似这样的输出pr_emerge(HW_ERR ...)

pr_emerg(HW_ERR "MC0 Error: ");

还有更多带有pr_cont(...)但不带有 的线条HW_ERR

"[Hardware Error]:"所以我想你可以在日志中查找。也许这些行也会说明edac_mce_amd

这里有一条规则,我认为它将记录第一个 pr_emerg,但不会记录 pr_cont 部分(请参阅这里)。我在这里设置了一条rsyslog.d规则来查找"[Hardware Error]:"。但这将匹配除 edac_mce_amd 模块之外的其他内容。

vim /etc/rsyslog.d/09-edac_mce_amd.conf

if  ($syslogfacility-text == 'kern') and \
($msg contains '[Hardware Error]:') \
then    -/var/log/edac_mce_amd.log
#uncomment this to also remove it from the other files
#&   stop

仅第一行对我来说已经足够了,因为我将设置一个监控脚本,仅检查文件大小是否为 0。如果有人知道正确的方法,请发表评论。


由于您使用的是 CPU 系列 21,因此消息很明显:您可以看到以下代码:

mcelog.c of the mcelog-1.0pre3_20110718-0.14.el6 package show where the cpu family of greater than 15 returns 0 to is_cpu_supported():

 416 int is_cpu_supported(void)
 417 {
 418         enum {
 419                 VENDOR = 1,
 420                 FAMILY = 2,
 421                 MODEL = 4,
 422                 MHZ = 8,
 423                 FLAGS = 16,
 424                 ALL = 0x1f
 425         } seen = 0;
 426         FILE *f;
 427         static int checked;
 429         if (checked)
 430                 return 1;
 431         checked = 1;
 433         f = fopen("/proc/cpuinfo","r");
 434         if (f != NULL) {
 435                 int family = 0;
 436                 int model = 0;
 437                 char vendor[64] = { 0 };
 438                 char *line = NULL;
 439                 size_t linelen = 0;
 440                 double mhz;
 442                 while (getdelim(&line, &linelen, '\n', f) > 0 && seen != ALL) {
 443                         if (sscanf(line, "vendor_id : %63[^\n]", vendor) == 1)
 444                                 seen |= VENDOR;
 445                         if (sscanf(line, "cpu family : %d", &family) == 1)
 446                                 seen |= FAMILY;
 447                         if (sscanf(line, "model : %d", &model) == 1)
 448                                 seen |= MODEL;
 449         /* We use only Mhz of the first CPU, assuming they are the same
 450                (there are more sanity checks later to make this not as wrong
 451                            as it sounds) */
 452                         if (sscanf(line, "cpu MHz : %lf", &mhz) == 1) {
 453                                 if (!cpumhz_forced)
 454                                         cpumhz = mhz;
 455                                 seen |= MHZ;
 456                         }
 457                         if (!strncmp(line, "flags", 5) && isspace(line[6])) {
 458                                 processor_flags = line;
 459                                 line = NULL;
 460                                 linelen = 0;
 461                                 seen |= FLAGS;
 462                         }
 464                 }
 465                 if (seen == ALL) {
 466                         if (!strcmp(vendor,"AuthenticAMD")) {
 467                                 if (family == 15)
 468                                         cputype = CPU_K8;
 469                                 if (family >= 15)  <-----------
 470                                        fprintf(stderr, "AMD Processor family %d: Please load edac_mce_amd module.\n", f     amily);
 471                                 return 0;
 472                         } else if (!strcmp(vendor,"GenuineIntel"))
 473                                 cputype = select_intel_cputype(family, model);
 474                         /* Add checks for other CPUs here */
 475                 } else {
 476                         Eprintf("warning: Cannot parse /proc/cpuinfo\n");
 477                 }
 478                 fclose(f);
 479                 free(line);
 480         } else
 481                 Eprintf("warning: Cannot open /proc/cpuinfo\n");
 483         return 1;
 484 }
