mdadm 错误:发现两个编号为 0 的磁盘

mdadm 错误:发现两个编号为 0 的磁盘

我在森林深处运行一个服务器,在一次硬盘故障后我收到此错误。错误:发现两个编号为 0 的磁盘。

这是一台服务器,在 raid 1 中有 2 个 1 TB 磁盘,mdadm 0.9 SDA 出现故障,mdadm 交换为 SDB,我更换了硬盘,重新添加成员,同步过程就开始了。

但是现在每次我想在 sda 上重新安装 grub 以防 sdb 损坏时都会出现此错误。

mdadm -D /dev/md0
   Version : 0.90
 Creation Time : Wed May  9 18:18:09 2012
 Raid Level : raid1
 Array Size : 944750400 (900.98 GiB 967.42 GB)
 Used Dev Size : 944750400 (900.98 GiB 967.42 GB)
 Raid Devices : 2
 Total Devices : 2
 Preferred Minor : 0
 Persistence : Superblock is persistent

 Update Time : Thu Dec 12 22:54:17 2013
      State : clean
Active Devices : 2
Working Devices : 2
Failed Devices : 0
Spare Devices : 0

       UUID : 34657f17:a9b6b7c0:445bc27b:76f0785c
     Events : 0.15638170

Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
 0       8        2        0      active sync   /dev/sda2
 1       8       18        1      active sync   /dev/sdb2

grub-install /dev/sda
error: found two disks with the number 0.
error: found two disks with the number 0.
/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: unknown filesystem.
Auto-detection of a filesystem of /dev/md0 failed.
Please report this together with the output of "/usr/sbin/grub-probe --device-     map=/boot/grub/ --target=fs -v /boot/grub" to <[email protected]>

12/12/2013 23:06:33 root@srv156:[/home/backup/data/postgres]# grub-probe -v / 
grub-probe: info: the size of hd0 is 1953525168.
grub-probe: info: the size of hd0 is 1953525168.
grub-probe: info: the size of hd0 is 1953525168.
error: found two disks with the number 0.
grub-probe: info: the size of hd0 is 1953525168.
grub-probe: info: the size of hd1 is 1953525168.
grub-probe: info: the size of hd1 is 1953525168.
grub-probe: info: the size of hd1 is 1953525168.
grub-probe: info: the size of hd1 is 1953525168.
grub-probe: info: the size of hd0 is 1953525168.
grub-probe: info: the size of hd0 is 1953525168.
grub-probe: info: the size of hd0 is 1953525168.
grub-probe: info: the size of hd0 is 1953525168.
grub-probe: info: the size of hd1 is 1953525168.
grub-probe: info: the size of hd1 is 1953525168.
grub-probe: info: the size of hd1 is 1953525168.
grub-probe: info: the size of hd1 is 1953525168.
grub-probe: info: changing current directory to /dev.
grub-probe: info: changing current directory to dri.
grub-probe: info: changing current directory to snd.
grub-probe: info: changing current directory to by-path.
grub-probe: info: changing current directory to net.
grub-probe: info: changing current directory to shm.
grub-probe: info: changing current directory to openvpn_as.
grub-probe: info: changing current directory to memstats.
grub-probe: info: changing current directory to pso.
grub-probe: info: changing current directory to network.
grub-probe: info: opening md0.
grub-probe: error: unknown filesystem.


Debian Squeeze


