kadmin 界面不工作 - 立即关闭连接

kadmin 界面不工作 - 立即关闭连接

到目前为止,我已经使用 完成了大部分 Kerberos 管理工作kadmin.local,但是,我正尝试迁移到使用远程,kadmin因为这将是更好的做法。


esr@cpt2:~$ kadmin -p 'esr/admin'
Authenticating as principal esr/admin with password.
Password for esr/[email protected]: 



Jan 08 12:51:02 00-kdc krb5kdc[9729](info): AS_REQ (4 etypes {18 17 16 23}) X.X.X.X: NEEDED_PREAUTH: esr/[email protected] for kadmin/[email protected], Additional pre-authentication required
Jan 08 12:51:05 00-kdc krb5kdc[9729](info): AS_REQ (4 etypes {18 17 16 23}) X.X.X.X: ISSUE: authtime 1389207065, etypes {rep=18 tkt=18 ses=18}, esr/[email protected] for kadmin/[email protected]

==> /var/log/krb5kdc/kadmin.log <==
Jan 08 12:51:05 00-kdc kadmind[9720](Error): TCP client X.X.X.X.41541 wants 2147484348 bytes, cap is 1048572
Jan 08 12:51:05 00-kdc kadmind[9720](info): closing down fd 333

这个错误wants 2147484348 bytes, cap is 1048572立刻引起了我的注意,但事实证明它很难追踪。我发现http://krbdev.mit.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=3923但这个问题似乎很久以前就解决了。


Package: krb5-admin-server
Version: 1.10+dfsg~beta1-2ubuntu0.3
Package: krb5-kdc
Version: 1.10+dfsg~beta1-2ubuntu0.3


esr$ KRB5_TRACE=/dev/stdout kadmin
Authenticating as principal esr/[email protected] with password.
[2913] 1389633823.366797: Initializing MEMORY:kadm5_0 with default princ esr/[email protected]
[2913] 1389633823.366900: Getting initial credentials for esr/[email protected]
[2913] 1389633823.367196: Setting initial creds service to kadmin/[email protected]
[2913] 1389633823.367314: Sending request (199 bytes) to DOMAIN.EDU
[2913] 1389633823.367417: Resolving hostname ldap-master.domain.edu
[2913] 1389633823.367562: Sending initial UDP request to dgram X.X.X.X:88
[2913] 1389633823.371591: Received answer from dgram X.X.X.X:88
[2913] 1389633823.410550: Response was not from master KDC
[2913] 1389633823.410581: Received error from KDC: -1765328359/Additional pre-authentication required
[2913] 1389633823.410619: Processing preauth types: 136, 19, 2, 133
[2913] 1389633823.410636: Selected etype info: etype aes256-cts, salt "DOMAIN.EDUesradmin", params ""
[2913] 1389633823.410640: Received cookie: MIT
Password for esr/[email protected]:
[2913] 1389633826.379096: AS key obtained for encrypted timestamp: aes256-cts/4485
[2913] 1389633826.409058: Encrypted timestamp (for 1389633826.408987): plain <snip>
[2913] 1389633826.409100: Preauth module encrypted_timestamp (2) (flags=1) returned: 0/Success
[2913] 1389633826.409105: Produced preauth for next request: 133, 2
[2913] 1389633826.409123: Sending request (294 bytes) to DOMAIN.EDU
[2913] 1389633826.409142: Resolving hostname ldap-master.domain.edu
[2913] 1389633826.409203: Sending initial UDP request to dgram X.X.X.X:88
[2913] 1389633826.506049: Received answer from dgram X.X.X.X:88
[2913] 1389633826.550573: Response was not from master KDC
[2913] 1389633826.550610: Processing preauth types: 19
[2913] 1389633826.550618: Selected etype info: etype aes256-cts, salt "DOMAIN.EDUesradmin", params ""
[2913] 1389633826.550623: Produced preauth for next request: (empty)
[2913] 1389633826.550632: AS key determined by preauth: aes256-cts/4485
[2913] 1389633826.550688: Decrypted AS reply; session key is: aes256-cts/13A4
[2913] 1389633826.550706: FAST negotiation: available
[2913] 1389633826.550744: Initializing MEMORY:kadm5_0 with default princ esr/[email protected]
[2913] 1389633826.550753: Removing esr/[email protected] -> kadmin/[email protected] from MEMORY:kadm5_0
[2913] 1389633826.550760: Storing esr/[email protected] -> kadmin/[email protected] in MEMORY:kadm5_0
[2913] 1389633826.550770: Storing config in MEMORY:kadm5_0 for kadmin/[email protected]: fast_avail: yes
[2913] 1389633826.550780: Removing esr/[email protected] -> krb5_ccache_conf_data/fast_avail/kadmin\/ldap-master.domain.edu\@DOMAIN.EDU@X-CACHECONF: from MEMORY:kadm5_0
[2913] 1389633826.550787: Storing esr/[email protected] -> krb5_ccache_conf_data/fast_avail/kadmin\/ldap-master.domain.edu\@DOMAIN.EDU@X-CACHECONF: in MEMORY:kadm5_0
[2913] 1389633826.575550: Getting credentials esr/[email protected] -> kadmin/[email protected] using ccache MEMORY:kadm5_0
[2913] 1389633826.575589: Retrieving esr/[email protected] -> kadmin/[email protected] from MEMORY:kadm5_0 with result: 0/Success
[2913] 1389633826.575641: Creating authenticator for esr/[email protected] -> kadmin/[email protected], seqnum 982754712, subkey aes256-cts/33D5, session key aes256-cts/13A4
[2913] 1389633826.578730: Getting credentials esr/[email protected] -> kadmin/[email protected] using ccache MEMORY:kadm5_0
[2913] 1389633826.578775: Retrieving esr/[email protected] -> kadmin/[email protected] from MEMORY:kadm5_0 with result: 0/Success
[2913] 1389633826.578816: Creating authenticator for esr/[email protected] -> kadmin/[email protected], seqnum 799315236, subkey aes256-cts/E55C, session key aes256-cts/13A4


首先,登录失败。无论连接是否成功,系统都会提示您输入密码。其次,kerberos 错误消息充其量只是提示,最坏的情况是完全误导。

在我看来,kadmin 客户端请求了错误的服务主体。请参阅


我曾使用过的大多数 kerberos kadmin 站点都使用 kadmin/admin 作为 kadmind 服务主体。您需要检查 kadmind 设置以查看它正在使用哪个服务主体。


就我而言,重新启动 kadmin-service 就可以了。

之前我的 kadmin 也做了同样的事情。所有其他密钥交换服务都运行良好。但我无法使用 kadmin(错误号 $?=141),但使用 kadmin.local 从未遇到问题
