Apache LOG(/var/log/messages)中的“iscraped”是什么

Apache LOG(/var/log/messages)中的“iscraped”是什么

例如,这是我在日志中看到的所有内容。日志现在有几 GB 大 :S

我尝试用 Google 寻找解决方案,但没有找到任何结果 :(

Feb 10 09:41:53 vps2 iscraped[12861]: #SCRAPED# INFO: child started (12861)
Feb 10 09:41:53 vps2 iscraped[20748]: #SCRAPED# ALERT: child 12861 is !dead!, will be restarted
Feb 10 09:41:54 vps2 iscraped[12864]: #SCRAPED# INFO: child started (12864)
Feb 10 09:41:54 vps2 iscraped[20748]: #SCRAPED# ALERT: child 12864 is !dead!, will be restarted
Feb 10 09:41:55 vps2 iscraped[12867]: #SCRAPED# INFO: child started (12867)
Feb 10 09:41:55 vps2 iscraped[20748]: #SCRAPED# ALERT: child 12867 is !dead!, will be restarted
Feb 10 09:41:56 vps2 iscraped[12868]: #SCRAPED# INFO: child started (12868)
Feb 10 09:41:56 vps2 iscraped[20748]: #SCRAPED# ALERT: child 12868 is !dead!, will be restarted
Feb 10 09:41:57 vps2 iscraped[12869]: #SCRAPED# INFO: child started (12869)
Feb 10 09:41:57 vps2 iscraped[20748]: #SCRAPED# ALERT: child 12869 is !dead!, will be restarted
Feb 10 09:41:58 vps2 iscraped[12870]: #SCRAPED# INFO: child started (12870)
Feb 10 09:41:58 vps2 iscraped[20748]: #SCRAPED# ALERT: child 12870 is !dead!, will be restarted
Feb 10 09:41:59 vps2 iscraped[12875]: #SCRAPED# INFO: child started (12875)
Feb 10 09:41:59 vps2 iscraped[20748]: #SCRAPED# ALERT: child 12875 is !dead!, will be restarted
Feb 10 09:42:00 vps2 iscraped[12878]: #SCRAPED# INFO: child started (12878)
Feb 10 09:42:00 vps2 iscraped[20748]: #SCRAPED# ALERT: child 12878 is !dead!, will be restarted
Feb 10 09:42:01 vps2 iscraped[12902]: #SCRAPED# INFO: child started (12902)
Feb 10 09:42:01 vps2 iscraped[20748]: #SCRAPED# ALERT: child 12902 is !dead!, will be restarted
Feb 10 09:42:02 vps2 iscraped[12923]: #SCRAPED# INFO: child started (12923)


似乎有什么东西从 Apache 错误日志中抽取行并将它们提供给系统事件日志……但在 Google 中找不到与该名称相关的任何内容。也许是您的服务提供商定制的?

无论如何,我想我的问题是:您的 Apache 服务是否因为这些死亡的子进程而出现问题?或者您遇到的问题只是日志文件因所有这些日志条目而膨胀到太大?

如果只是日志文件大小,您可能可以调整 logrotate 设置以使其更适合您的日志量(几个 GB 的文件有多旧?),或者更改 Apache 日志的详细程度。

但这些日志确实看起来有问题 - Apache 中正在运行什么内容?似乎正在不断运行的请求正在终止这些子进程?
