Postfix 用户无权提交邮件

Postfix 用户无权提交邮件

我在 debian wheezy 上运行一个带有 postfix 的网络服务器,大约 3 个月前,我的一个带有 web21 id 的域名出现了严重的垃圾邮件问题。我重新安装了 wordpress 并进行了一切操作,大约 3 个月后问题就消失了,这次虽然我在 中设置了 !web21 以禁止此用户发送邮件,但我仍然收到以下提示音:

May 8 13:53:05 htz postfix/sendmail[16190]: fatal: User web21(5012) is not allowed to submit mail
May 8 13:53:06 htz postfix/sendmail[16191]: fatal: User web21(5012) is not allowed to submit mail
May 8 13:53:07 htz postfix/sendmail[16192]: fatal: User web21(5012) is not allowed to     submit mail
May 8 13:53:07 htz postfix/sendmail[16193]: fatal: User web21(5012) is not allowed to submit mail
May 8 13:53:08 htz postfix/sendmail[16194]: fatal: User web21(5012) is not allowed to submit mail
May 8 13:53:09 htz postfix/sendmail[16195]: fatal: User web21(5012) is not allowed to submit mail
May 8 13:53:26 htz postfix/sendmail[16196]: fatal: User web21(5012) is not allowed to submit mail
May 8 13:53:27 htz postfix/sendmail[16197]: fatal: User web21(5012) is not allowed to submit mail
May 8 13:53:28 htz postfix/sendmail[16198]: fatal: User web21(5012) is not allowed to submit mail
May 8 13:53:29 htz postfix/sendmail[16199]: fatal: User web21(5012) is not allowed to submit mail
May 8 13:53:29 htz postfix/sendmail[16200]: fatal: User web21(5012) is not allowed to submit mail
May 8 13:53:31 htz postfix/sendmail[16201]: fatal: User web21(5012) is not allowed to submit mail
May 8 13:53:31 htz postfix/sendmail[16202]: fatal: User web21(5012) is not allowed to submit mail
May 8 13:53:32 htz postfix/sendmail[16203]: fatal: User web21(5012) is not allowed to submit mail
May 8 13:53:32 htz postfix/sendmail[16204]: fatal: User web21(5012) is not allowed to submit mail
May 8 13:53:33 htz postfix/sendmail[16205]: fatal: User web21(5012) is not allowed to submit mail
May 8 14:07:22 htz postfix/sendmail[16468]: fatal: User web21(5012) is not allowed to submit mail
May 8 14:07:23 htz postfix/sendmail[16469]: fatal: User web21(5012) is not allowed to submit mail
May 8 14:07:25 htz postfix/sendmail[16470]: fatal: User web21(5012) is not allowed to submit mail
May 8 14:07:26 htz postfix/sendmail[16471]: fatal: User web21(5012) is not allowed to submit mail
May 8 14:07:27 htz postfix/sendmail[16472]: fatal: User web21(5012) is not allowed to submit mail
May 8 14:07:28 htz postfix/sendmail[16473]: fatal: User web21(5012) is not allowed to submit mail




第一的您可以列出用户拥有的所有文件web21。尝试识别一个陌生的文件名,也许位于陌生的位置。为此,您可以使用此命令find / -user web21



