设置 OpsCenter 时出现:scp /tmp/.. 权限被拒绝

设置 OpsCenter 时出现:scp /tmp/.. 权限被拒绝

我正在尝试通过添加本地主机 Cassandra 节点来设置 OpsCenter(用于测试)。我用于 SSH 的登录凭据具有 sudo/root 权限,但我还是收到错误:


我可以理解 SCP 协议(​​显然在 OpsCenter 中使用)无法执行诸如“su”命令之类的操作。但我做错了什么?


2014-08-08 23:05:59+0200 []  INFO: Testing SSH connectivity to localhost
2014-08-08 23:05:59+0200 []  INFO: Testing SSH login to localhost
2014-08-08 23:05:59+0200 []  INFO: SSH connectivity/login test succeeded
2014-08-08 23:06:00+0200 []  INFO: agent_config items: {'cassandra_log_location': '/var/log/cassandra/system.log', 'thrift_port': 9160, 'jmx_pass': '*****', 'thrift_ssl_truststore': None, 'rollups86400_ttl': -1, 'api_port': '61621', 'use_ssl': 0, 'rollups7200_ttl': 31536000, 'kerberos_debug': False, 'storage_keyspace': 'OpsCenter', 'thrift_user': '', 'provisioning': 0, 'metrics_ignored_column_families': '', 'metrics_ignored_keyspaces': 'system, system_traces, system_auth, dse_auth, OpsCenter', 'jmx_user': '', 'cassandra_install_location': '', 'kerberos_use_keytab': True, 'rollups300_ttl': 2419200, 'thrift_pass': '*****', 'metrics_ignored_solr_cores': '', 'metrics_enabled': 1, 'kerberos_use_ticket_cache': True, 'thrift_ssl_truststore_type': 'JKS', 'rollups60_ttl': 604800, 'ec2_metadata_api_host': '', 'kerberos_renew_tgt': True, 'thrift_ssl_truststore_password': '*****'}
2014-08-08 23:06:00+0200 []  INFO: Starting provisioning process
2014-08-08 23:06:00+0200 []  INFO: Starting installation phase of cluster provisioning
2014-08-08 23:06:00+0200 []  WARN: HTTP request http://localhost:61621/alive? failed: Connection was refused by other side: 111: Connection refused.
2014-08-08 23:06:00+0200 []  INFO: Beginning install of OpsCenter agent to localhost
2014-08-08 23:06:00+0200 [] ERROR: Installation failed: scp to u'localhost' failed
      File "/usr/share/opscenter/lib/py-debian/2.7/amd64/twisted/internet/defer.py", line 1018, in _inlineCallbacks
        result = result.throwExceptionIntoGenerator(g)

      File "/usr/share/opscenter/lib/py-debian/2.7/amd64/twisted/python/failure.py", line 349, in throwExceptionIntoGenerator
        return g.throw(self.type, self.value, self.tb)

      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/opscenterd/Agents.py", line 1042, in _provisionNode

      File "/usr/share/opscenter/lib/py-debian/2.7/amd64/twisted/internet/defer.py", line 1018, in _inlineCallbacks
        result = result.throwExceptionIntoGenerator(g)

      File "/usr/share/opscenter/lib/py-debian/2.7/amd64/twisted/python/failure.py", line 349, in throwExceptionIntoGenerator
        return g.throw(self.type, self.value, self.tb)

      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/opscenterd/Agents.py", line 1133, in _installAgent

      File "/usr/share/opscenter/lib/py-debian/2.7/amd64/twisted/internet/defer.py", line 1018, in _inlineCallbacks
        result = result.throwExceptionIntoGenerator(g)

      File "/usr/share/opscenter/lib/py-debian/2.7/amd64/twisted/python/failure.py", line 349, in throwExceptionIntoGenerator
        return g.throw(self.type, self.value, self.tb)

      File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/opscenterd/SecureShell.py", line 135, in perform_scp

2014-08-08 23:06:00+0200 []  WARN: Marking request 068afb4c-d862-4265-856f-84103c35dddb as failed: Failure installing agent on localhost.
     Error output:
            scp: /tmp/tmpXInRfq: Permission denied

     Exit code: 1
2014-08-08 23:06:00+0200 []  INFO: Successfully installed agent and dsc on node localhost
2014-08-08 23:06:00+0200 []  WARN: Marking request 'install stage' (d9bd09cd-0ae4-41b3-ba25-f03adfe988dc) as failed: Failure installing agent on localhost.
     Error output:
            scp: /tmp/tmpXInRfq: Permission denied

     Exit code: 1
2014-08-08 23:06:00+0200 [] ERROR: Installation stage failed: Failure installing agent on localhost.
     Error output:
            scp: /tmp/tmpXInRfq: Permission denied

     Exit code: 1
2014-08-08 23:06:00+0200 []  WARN: Marking request 'provision' (148d05e8-a1aa-49c8-ac2d-a1e523b79009) as failed: Installation stage failed: Failure installing agent on localhost.
     Error output:
            scp: /tmp/tmpXInRfq: Permission denied

     Exit code: 1
2014-08-08 23:06:00+0200 [] ERROR: 
2014-08-08 23:06:00+0200 [] ERROR: Cluster provisioning failed: Exception: Installation stage failed: Failure installing agent on localhost.
     Error output:
            scp: /tmp/tmpXInRfq: Permission denied

     Exit code: 1
2014-08-08 23:06:00+0200 [] ERROR: Failed to provision cluster: Cluster provisioning failed: Exception: Installation stage failed: Failure installing agent on localhost.
     Error output:
            scp: /tmp/tmpXInRfq: Permission denied

     Exit code: 1







OpsCenter 使用 OpsCenter 机器本身上的临时文件来方便 ssh。因此,我认为问题不在于登录凭据没有 sudo 权限,而在于运行 OpsCenter 的用户可能没有权限在以下位置创建临时文件:在运行 /tmp/tmpXInRfq OpsCenter 的机器上。您能否确认运行 OpsCenter 的用户是否可以接触该位置的文件?

