这是我用来打包备份文件、写入标准输出,然后通过电子邮件通知将所有内容上传到 Amazon S3 的命令。
tar -czvf - --exclude-caches /var/www | s3cmd --reduced-redundancy --multipart-chunk-size-mb=30 put - s3://MY-BUCKET/`date +\%G-\%m-\%d`.tar.gz | mail -s "Weekly Backup"
mail: Cannot parse address `File '-' stored as 's3://MY-BUCKET/2014-08-31.tar.gz' (0 bytes in 2190.3 seconds' (while expanding `File '-' stored as 's3://MY-BUCKET/2014-08-31.tar.gz' (0 bytes in 2190.3 seconds'): Malformed email address
mail: Cannot parse address `-1.00 B/s) [1 of 1]' (while expanding `-1.00 B/s) [1 of 1]'): Malformed email address
root:~# tar -czvf - --exclude-caches /var/www | s3cmd --reduced-redundancy --multipart-chunk-size-mb=30 put - s3://MY-BUCKET/`date +\%G-\%m-\%d`.tar.gz
| mail -s "Weekly Backup"
要通过(并使用 stdin 作为正文)发送邮件mail
echo "test body" | mail -s 'test subject' [email protected]
欲了解更多信息,请参阅手册页man mail