我需要什么样的硬件来为大型社区运行 phpBB 3 服务器?

我需要什么样的硬件来为大型社区运行 phpBB 3 服务器?

我正在尝试弄清楚需要什么样的硬件才能为一个相当大的社区运行 phpBB 3 服务器。当我说硬件时,我指的是 CPU、RAM 和 IO 规格。当我说相当大的社区时,我指的是一个大约有 30,000 人的社区,平均每天发布 1,000 篇帖子,每天大约有 100 名活跃用户。

我曾看到有人讨论为 5,000 名用户的 phpBB 2 社区配备 1 GB RAM,但这当然有点过时了。有什么想法吗?


100 个活跃用户并不意味着...游戏结束...如果您想要稳定的性能,那就花点预算,买最大的,然后慢慢适应。(这通常是坏建议,但我认为它在这里适用...)。



You say 100 active users/day
I take this to mean that during the day 100 users come and go and maybe do some things

That is no big deal... Let's assume that for 12 hours in the day.. your users sleep
(if they don't and access is spread around the clock it works in your favor -- distributed load)

So 100 users make ~30 requests that are either reads/posts/uploads/or something else...
These loads very... so we'll pretend they have a nice clean average.

100 x 30 = 3,000 requests / day.
If we pretend that your server takes 10/sec to process one request
  then we have a total processing time of:
  100 x 30 = 3,0000 requests * 10 seconds = 30,000 seconds / day spent processing requests
  There are some 86400 or so seconds in a day.
  If we cut off half of those because users are sleeping
    Then we still have 43,200 seconds left
    30,000 < 43,000 seconds so the server might handle the load...
         If everything is spread out..



2)这些习惯对服务器负载/容量/等的影响(例如:从缓存中读取页面比上传 50MB 更容易)。
