如何配置 Exchange 2010 以用作外部 smtp 中继?

如何配置 Exchange 2010 以用作外部 smtp 中继?

我目前正在尝试将我们的 Exchange 2010 配置为外部 smtp 中继。我想做的是允许我们管理的某些网站使用我们的 Exchange 服务器 smtp 中继发送电子邮件。有人告诉我,我需要在“服务器配置”>“集线器传输”下创建一个接收器连接器。创建接收器连接器后,我添加了以下配置,其中我在“接收来自远程服务器的邮件等”中添加了网站 IP 地址,然后在“身份验证”下选择了“外部安全”、“TLS”,在“权限”下选择了 Exchange 服务器。

我访问了我们的一个网站并使用此配置对其进行了配置,但仍然收到“SMTP 连接失败”的消息。

有人能帮我吗?或者什么是让它工作的正确方法。多个网站将以安全的方式使用此交换器服务器 SMTP 中继。



您可以使用这些说明,但我建议您至少将其保护到您控制的服务器的 IP。




In the action pane, click New Receive Connector. The New Receive Connector wizard starts.

On the Introduction page, follow these steps:

    In the Name field, type a meaningful name for this connector. This name is used to identify the connector.

    In the Select the intended use for this Receive connector field, select Custom.

    Click Next.

On the Local Network settings page, follow these steps:

    Select the existing All Available IPv4 entry, and then click Remove icon.

    Click Add. In the Add Receive Connector Binding dialog box, select Specify an IP address. Type an IP address assigned to a network adapter on the local server that's best able to communicate with the remote messaging server. In the Port field, type 25, and then click OK. Leave the Specify the FQDN this connector will provide in response to HELO or EHLO field blank.

    Click Next.

On the Remote Network settings page, follow these steps:

    Select the existing - entry, and then click Remove icon.

    Click Add or the drop-down arrow located next to Add and type the IP address or IP address range for the remote messaging server or servers that are allowed to relay mail on this server. When you're finished entering the IP addresses, click OK.

    Click Next.

On the New Connector page, review the configuration summary for the connector. If you want to modify the settings, click Back. To create the Receive connector by using the settings in the configuration summary, click New.

On the Completion page, click Finish.

In the work pane, select the Receive connector that you created.

Under the name of the Receive connector in the action pane, click Properties to open the Properties page.

Click the Permission Groups tab. Select Anonymous users.

Click OK to save your changes and exit the Properties page.
