从源代码编译 weechat 时出现 CMake 错误

从源代码编译 weechat 时出现 CMake 错误

我尝试在我的 CentOS 6.6 机器上从源代码编译 weechat。我根据 README 文件安装了以下所有依赖项。

  • 构建
  • ncurses-开发
  • gcrypt-开发
  • zlib-开发
  • libcurl-开发

现在当我这样做时cmake .. -DPREFIX=/usr/local/bin出现以下错误:

-- checking for one of the modules 'ruby-2.1;ruby-2.0;ruby-1.9;ruby-1.8' -- checking for one of the modules 'lua5.2;lua52;lua5.1;lua51;lua5.0;lua50;lua' -- checking for one of the modules 'guile-2.0' CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND. Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files: NCURSES_INCLUDE_PATH (ADVANCED)
