XenServer 6.2 上的 Win2K P2V:VM 无法启动

XenServer 6.2 上的 Win2K P2V:VM 无法启动

我正在尝试虚拟化(P2V)一个非常旧的 Win2K 服务器(IBM x345)及其相关存储:

  • 主 C 盘,运行在由内部 ServeRAID HW 控制器和相关内部 HDD 提供服务的 RAID 5 逻辑阵列之上);

  • 两个不同的附加 LUN(磁盘 S: 和 F:),通过连接到 SAN(其主阵列是 IBM DS-4300)的 QLA2XXX FC-HBA 提供服务。

我的目标是将所有这些迁移到由新的 Xen Server 6.2 平台提供服务的 VM 上。

为了避免源端的任何风险(顺便说一句:该系统或多或少是“关键的”,并且...重新安装它很容易成为一场噩梦,因为它上运行着非常旧的/遗留的/专有的/孤立的软件),我特意选择不是以任何方式更改原始操作系统(无 sysprep、无初步 xen-tools 安装、无任何新 sw 和/或配置)。


  • 在 XS 上定义一个具有适当 CPU 和内存的新 VM;
  • 向这样的虚拟机添加三个不同且大小合适的磁盘;
  • 使用 sysrescuecd 重新启动服务器和虚拟机;
  • 通过 LAN 对三个源磁盘分别运行“dd”。


  • 我对虚拟机进行了快照;
  • 我(尝试)启动虚拟机。



(顺便说一句:当虚拟机处于这样的环境中时,虚拟机的 CPU 一直处于 100% 的状态!)

因此,我通过使用 Live CD(sysrescuecd)或原始 Win2K 启动 VM 进行了一些健全性检查和修复。详情如下:

  • 我可以成功访问三个磁盘上的所有数据,特别是 C: 磁盘;
  • 我能够使用 Win2K“iso”启动虚拟机,然后从中启动通常修复文件修复启动命令,来自恢复控制台;
  • 我可以启动 Win2K 的新安装,并要求“修复”当前(并被安装程序正确找到/识别)的 Win2K 安装
  • 我运行了 xenserver-linux-fixup-disk.iso(如果我理解正确的话,它应该有助于解决我所面临的问题......)。




因此操作系统(我猜是引导加载程序)似乎已找到,但……再次无法启动引导过程。同样在这种情况下,虚拟机的 CPU 停留在 100%。

由于启动过程似乎在很早的阶段就中断了(您会发现甚至连常见的基于文本的初始进度条都没有显示,在此期间可以按 F8 来选择高级启动参数/设置!)我确信解决方案应该很简单:可能是一个新的“引导加载程序”和/或一个新的“内核”能够访问 VM 的第一个 HD 上的 Win2K 安装。

最后说明一下:调查过程中,我发现磁盘几何结构不匹配。请注意下面的第 7-10 行:

root@sysresccd /root % sfdisk /dev/xvda
sfdisk: Checking that no-one is using this disk right now ...
sfdisk: OK

Disk /dev/xvda: 13054 cylinders, 255 heads, 63 sectors/track
Old situation:
sfdisk: Warning: The partition table looks like it was made
  for C/H/S=*/254/63 (instead of 13054/255/63).
For this listing I'll assume that geometry.
Units: cylinders of 8193024 bytes, blocks of 1024 bytes, counting from 0

   Device Boot Start     End   #cyls    #blocks   Id  System
/dev/xvda1          0+      6       7-     55975+  fe  LANstep
/dev/xvda2   *      7    8876    8870   70968870    7  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
/dev/xvda3          0       -       0          0    0  Empty
/dev/xvda4          0       -       0          0    0  Empty
sfdisk: Input in the following format; absent fields get a default value.
<start> <size> <type [E,S,L,X,hex]> <bootable [-,*]> <c,h,s> <c,h,s>
Usually you only need to specify <start> and <size> (and perhaps <type>).

sfdisk: /dev/xvda1 :

testdisks 也证实了这种不匹配:

TestDisk 6.14, Data Recovery Utility, July 2013
Christophe GRENIER <[email protected]>

Disk /dev/xvda - 107 GB / 100 GiB - CHS 13054 255 63
Current partition structure:
     Partition                  Start        End    Size in sectors

 1 P LANstep                  0   1  1     6 247 63     111951

Bad sector count.
Warning: number of heads/cylinder mismatches 254 (NTFS) != 255 (HD)
 2 * HPFS - NTFS              6 248  1  8842  47 63  141937740

Bad relative sector.


更新 1:虚拟机的详细信息

[root@xs-cust1 ~]# xe vm-param-list uuid=48b4c627-c06e-5bd9-23e1-28b141c6f948
uuid ( RO)                          : 48b4c627-c06e-5bd9-23e1-28b141c6f948
                    name-label ( RW): SRV-Win2K-Cust1
              name-description ( RW): Ex Server Windows 2000 - Cust1
                  user-version ( RW): 1
                 is-a-template ( RW): false
                 is-a-snapshot ( RO): false
                   snapshot-of ( RO): <not in database>
                     snapshots ( RO): 32489008-869c-c2f4-904c-c90219adc44d
                 snapshot-time ( RO): 19700101T00:00:00Z
                 snapshot-info ( RO): 
                        parent ( RO): 32489008-869c-c2f4-904c-c90219adc44d
                      children ( RO): 
             is-control-domain ( RO): false
                   power-state ( RO): halted
                 memory-actual ( RO): 8325660672
                 memory-target ( RO): 0
               memory-overhead ( RO): 71303168
             memory-static-max ( RW): 8589934592
            memory-dynamic-max ( RW): 8589934592
            memory-dynamic-min ( RW): 8589934592
             memory-static-min ( RW): 134217728
              suspend-VDI-uuid ( RW): <not in database>
               suspend-SR-uuid ( RW): 75f87360-62ac-a9f4-01e7-7ade3d5ab943
                  VCPUs-params (MRW): 
                     VCPUs-max ( RW): 2
              VCPUs-at-startup ( RW): 2
        actions-after-shutdown ( RW): Destroy
          actions-after-reboot ( RW): Restart
           actions-after-crash ( RW): Restart
                 console-uuids (SRO): 
                      platform (MRW): timeoffset: 0; nx: true; acpi: 1; apic: true; pae: true; viridian: true
            allowed-operations (SRO): changing_dynamic_range; changing_shadow_memory; changing_static_range; make_into_template; destroy; export; start_on; start; clone; copy; snapshot
            current-operations (SRO): 
            blocked-operations (MRW): 
           allowed-VBD-devices (SRO): 
           allowed-VIF-devices (SRO): 1; 2; 3
                possible-hosts ( RO): 371a8bf7-cdcd-4e65-9d68-8d381295b266
               HVM-boot-policy ( RW): BIOS order
               HVM-boot-params (MRW): order: dc
         HVM-shadow-multiplier ( RW): 1.000
                     PV-kernel ( RW): 
                    PV-ramdisk ( RW): 
                       PV-args ( RW): 
                PV-legacy-args ( RW): 
                 PV-bootloader ( RW): 
            PV-bootloader-args ( RW): 
           last-boot-CPU-flags ( RO): vendor: GenuineIntel; features: 77bee3ff-bfebfbff-00000001-2c100800
              last-boot-record ( RO): '('struct' ('uuid' '48b4c627-c06e-5bd9-23e1-28b141c6f948') ('allowed_operations' ('array')) ('current_operations' ('struct' ('OpaqueRef:f7852954-eeae-7c76-ebe8-af3997a75776' 'start'))) ('power_state' 'Halted') ('name_label' 'SRV-Win2K-Curatela') ('name_description' 'Ex Server Windows 2000 - Curatela') ('user_version' '1') ('is_a_template' ('boolean' '0')) ('suspend_VDI' 'OpaqueRef:NULL') ('resident_on' 'OpaqueRef:NULL') ('affinity' 'OpaqueRef:35d77c6a-5a39-3cd4-7dc5-d697974d8c7c') ('memory_overhead' '71303168') ('memory_target' '0') ('memory_static_max' '8589934592') ('memory_dynamic_max' '8589934592') ('memory_dynamic_min' '8589934592') ('memory_static_min' '134217728') ('VCPUs_params' ('struct')) ('VCPUs_max' '2') ('VCPUs_at_startup' '2') ('actions_after_shutdown' 'destroy') ('actions_after_reboot' 'restart') ('actions_after_crash' 'restart') ('consoles' ('array')) ('VIFs' ('array' 'OpaqueRef:09e03a34-7f46-8412-6f21-518458b628f0')) ('VBDs' ('array' 'OpaqueRef:14105d9b-11cc-f0fd-91b2-ddf782f68d5a' 'OpaqueRef:cbfa8007-1f74-9bff-f040-e17731b296a5' 'OpaqueRef:e4aab04e-7556-e267-89bd-745ab52ff9d3' 'OpaqueRef:20c42ac7-db5d-7fc0-2c7d-d23cc5b25e23')) ('crash_dumps' ('array')) ('VTPMs' ('array')) ('PV_bootloader' '') ('PV_kernel' '') ('PV_ramdisk' '') ('PV_args' '') ('PV_bootloader_args' '') ('PV_legacy_args' '') ('HVM_boot_policy' 'BIOS order') ('HVM_boot_params' ('struct' ('order' 'dc'))) ('HVM_shadow_multiplier' ('double' '1')) ('platform' ('struct' ('timeoffset' '0') ('nx' 'true') ('acpi' '1') ('apic' 'true') ('pae' 'true') ('viridian' 'true'))) ('PCI_bus' '') ('other_config' ('struct' ('vgpu_pci' '') ('base_template_name' 'Other install media') ('mac_seed' 'f55b69ea-6990-782b-0ca5-875137642603') ('install-methods' 'cdrom'))) ('domid' '-1') ('domarch' '') ('last_boot_CPU_flags' ('struct' ('vendor' 'GenuineIntel') ('features' '77bee3ff-bfebfbff-00000001-2c100800'))) ('is_control_domain' ('boolean' '0')) ('metrics' 'OpaqueRef:74fb058c-7c16-35d9-9f2f-9196e9427230') ('guest_metrics' 'OpaqueRef:NULL') ('last_booted_record' '') ('recommendations' '<restrictions><restriction field=\"memory-static-max\" max=\"137438953472\" /><restriction field=\"vcpus-max\" max=\"16\" /><restriction property=\"number-of-vbds\" max=\"16\" /><restriction property=\"number-of-vifs\" max=\"7\" /></restrictions>') ('xenstore_data' ('struct' ('vm-data' ''))) ('ha_always_run' ('boolean' '0')) ('ha_restart_priority' '') ('is_a_snapshot' ('boolean' '0')) ('snapshot_of' 'OpaqueRef:NULL') ('snapshots' ('array' 'OpaqueRef:807cb650-f9c6-5f31-8419-d7b60cd20fc9')) ('snapshot_time' ('dateTime.iso8601' '19700101T00:00:00Z')) ('transportable_snapshot_id' '') ('blobs' ('struct')) ('tags' ('array')) ('blocked_operations' ('struct')) ('snapshot_info' ('struct')) ('snapshot_metadata' '') ('parent' 'OpaqueRef:807cb650-f9c6-5f31-8419-d7b60cd20fc9') ('children' ('array')) ('bios_strings' ('struct')) ('protection_policy' 'OpaqueRef:NULL') ('is_snapshot_from_vmpp' ('boolean' '0')) ('appliance' 'OpaqueRef:NULL') ('start_delay' '0') ('shutdown_delay' '0') ('order' '0') ('VGPUs' ('array')) ('attached_PCIs' ('array')) ('suspend_SR' 'OpaqueRef:34a5267c-75cb-b7e6-d7ba-318b26a540fe') ('version' '0') ('generation_id' ''))'
                   resident-on ( RO): <not in database>
                      affinity ( RW): 371a8bf7-cdcd-4e65-9d68-8d381295b266
                  other-config (MRW): vgpu_pci: ; base_template_name: Other install media; mac_seed: f55b69ea-6990-782b-0ca5-875137642603; install-methods: cdrom
                        dom-id ( RO): -1
               recommendations ( RO): <restrictions><restriction field="memory-static-max" max="137438953472" /><restriction field="vcpus-max" max="16" /><restriction property="number-of-vbds" max="16" /><restriction property="number-of-vifs" max="7" /></restrictions>
                 xenstore-data (MRW): vm-data: 
    ha-always-run ( RW) [DEPRECATED]: false
           ha-restart-priority ( RW): 
                         blobs ( RO): 
                    start-time ( RO): 19700101T00:00:00Z
                  install-time ( RO): 20141213T10:05:48Z
                  VCPUs-number ( RO): 0
             VCPUs-utilisation (MRO): 
                    os-version (MRO): <not in database>
            PV-drivers-version (MRO): <not in database>
         PV-drivers-up-to-date ( RO): <not in database>
                        memory (MRO): <not in database>
                         disks (MRO): <not in database>
                      networks (MRO): <not in database>
                         other (MRO): <not in database>
                          live ( RO): <not in database>
    guest-metrics-last-updated ( RO): <not in database>
      cooperative ( RO) [DEPRECATED]: true
                          tags (SRW): 
                     appliance ( RW): <not in database>
                   start-delay ( RW): 0
                shutdown-delay ( RW): 0
                         order ( RW): 0
                       version ( RO): 0
                 generation-id ( RO): 



  1. 安装 Windows 2000 VM。不需要与要迁移的版本完全相同。只需确保所有调整参数都正确即可。磁盘大小与源服务器类似(或略大)。

  2. 使用克隆兹拉执行磁盘映像备份和恢复,而不是简单的dd。Clonezilla 了解可能导致启动失败的 NTFS 变化。
