lvm 存档和备份文件未清除

lvm 存档和备份文件未清除

我每小时都会进行快照备份,每次备份都会在 中创建文件/etc/lvm/archive。但是 lvm 似乎没有注意到 中“backup”下的“retain_days”参数/etc/lvm/lvm.conf,因为我那里有 9000 多个文件,可以追溯到 2012 年。我应该设置一个 cron 作业来自己清除它们吗?


# Configuration of metadata backups and archiving.  In LVM2 when we
# talk about a 'backup' we mean making a copy of the metadata for the
# *current* system.  The 'archive' contains old metadata configurations.
# Backups are stored in a human readeable text format.
backup {

    # Should we maintain a backup of the current metadata configuration ?
    # Use 1 for Yes; 0 for No.
    # Think very hard before turning this off!
    backup = 1

    # Where shall we keep it ?
    # Remember to back up this directory regularly!
    backup_dir = "/etc/lvm/backup"

    # Should we maintain an archive of old metadata configurations.
    # Use 1 for Yes; 0 for No.
    # On by default.  Think very hard before turning this off.
    archive = 1

    # Where should archived files go ?
    # Remember to back up this directory regularly!
    archive_dir = "/etc/lvm/archive"

    # What is the minimum number of archive files you wish to keep ?
    retain_min = 10

    # What is the minimum time you wish to keep an archive file for ?
    retain_days = 30


配置参数用于最低限度天的保留。没有最大保留的配置。我设置了一个 crontab 条目来删除旧的。
