

我无法在两个 proxmox 节点之间启动 OpenVZ 容器的实时迁移……

Feb 05 03:30:27 starting migration of CT 102 to node 'madrid' (xx.xx.xx.xx)
Feb 05 03:30:27 container is running - using online migration
Feb 05 03:30:27 starting rsync phase 1
Feb 05 03:30:27 # /usr/bin/rsync -aHAX --delete --numeric-ids --sparse /var/lib/vz/private/102 [email protected]:/var/lib/vz/private
Feb 05 03:30:36 start live migration - suspending container
Feb 05 03:30:36 dump container state
Feb 05 03:30:36 # vzctl --skiplock chkpnt 102 --dump --dumpfile /var/lib/vz/dump/dump.102
Feb 05 03:30:36 Setting up checkpoint...
Feb 05 03:30:36     join context..
Feb 05 03:30:36     dump...
Feb 05 03:30:36 Can not dump container: Invalid argument
Feb 05 03:30:36 Error: iptables-save exited with 1
Feb 05 03:30:36 ERROR: Failed to dump container state: Checkpointing failed
Feb 05 03:30:36 aborting phase 1 - cleanup resources
Feb 05 03:30:36 removing copied files on target node
Feb 05 03:30:37 start final cleanup
Feb 05 03:30:37 ERROR: migration aborted (duration 00:00:10): Failed to dump container state: Checkpointing failed
TASK ERROR: migration aborted

我在两个节点和要迁移的容器上都安装了 iptables-persistent。iptables-save 输出符合预期......

你有什么主意吗 ?

