我正在构建一个包含同一个林中的多个 Active Directory 域的测试环境,但是在尝试将子域添加到林根域时遇到了奇怪的问题。
所有服务器都是在 Azure 云平台上运行的 Windows Server 2012 R2 VM,连接到同一个虚拟网络;它们具有静态保留的 IP 地址,并且可以相互通信而不会出现任何网络问题。
A0.lab (forest root) B0.lab
/ \ / \
A1 A2 B1 B2
| |
A3 B3
- A0.lab(森林根)
- A1.A0.实验室
- A2.A0.实验室
- A3.A1.A0.实验室
- B0.实验室
- B1.B0.实验室
- B2.B0.实验室
- B3.B1.B0.实验室
我已经成功创建了林根域(A0.lab),并且定义了 AD 站点及其子网;该域运行正常。
接下来,我已将应成为第一个子域 (A1.A0.lab) 的域控制器的服务器配置为使用根 DC 作为其 DNS 服务器,并且我已启动提升向导;我已填写所有参数,包括根域的域管理员的用户帐户以及创建 DNS 委派的选项;所有先决条件检查均已成功。
事件 ID 1963,来源 ActiveDirectory_DomainService,任务类别 DS RPC 客户端:
Internal event: The following local directory service received an exception from a
remote procedure call (RPC) connection. Extensive RPC information was requested. This
is intermediate information and might not contain a possible cause.
Process ID:
Reported error information:
Error value:
Could not find the domain controller for this domain. (1908)
directory service:
Extensive error information:
Error value:
A security package specific error occurred. 1825
directory service:
Additional Data
Internal ID:
事件 ID 1961,来源 ActiveDirectory_DomainService,任务类别 DS RPC 客户端:
Internal event: This log entry is a continuation from the preceding extended error
information entry on the following error and directory service.
Extended information:
Error value:
A security package specific error occurred. (1825)
directory service:
Supplemental information:
Detection location:
Generating component:
RPC Runtime
Time at directory service:
2015-03-19 21:44:04
Additional Data
Error value:
A security package specific error occurred. (1825)
事件 ID 2839,来源 ActiveDirectory_DomainService,任务类别 DS RPC 客户端:
Internal event: This log entry is a continuation from the preceding extended error
information entry.
Extended information:
Extended Error Parameters:
Parameter 1:
Parameter 2:
Parameter 3:
Parameter 4:
Parameter 5:
Parameter 6:
Parameter 7:
事件 ID 1962,来源 ActiveDirectory_DomainService,任务类别 DS RPC 客户端:
Internal event: The local directory service received an exception from a remote
procedure call (RPC) connection. Extended error information is not available.
directory service:
Additional Data
Error value:
Could not find the domain controller for this domain. (1908)
事件 ID 1125,来源 ActiveDirectory_DomainService,任务类别设置:
The Active Directory Domain Services Installation Wizard (Dcpromo) was unable to
establish connection with the following domain controller.
Domain controller:
Additional Data
Error value:
1908 Could not find the domain controller for this domain.
03/19/2015 22:43:35 [INFO] Promotion request for domain controller of new domain
03/19/2015 22:43:35 [INFO] DnsDomainName a1.a0.lab
03/19/2015 22:43:35 [INFO] FlatDomainName A1
03/19/2015 22:43:35 [INFO] SiteName Lab
03/19/2015 22:43:35 [INFO] SystemVolumeRootPath C:\Windows\SYSVOL
03/19/2015 22:43:35 [INFO] DsDatabasePath C:\Windows\NTDS, DsLogPath C:\Windows\NTDS
03/19/2015 22:43:35 [INFO] ParentDnsDomainName a0.lab
03/19/2015 22:43:35 [INFO] ParentServer DCA0.a0.lab
03/19/2015 22:43:35 [INFO] Account A0\AdmA0
03/19/2015 22:43:35 [INFO] Options 5243072
03/19/2015 22:43:35 [INFO] Validate supplied paths
03/19/2015 22:43:35 [INFO] Validating path C:\Windows\NTDS.
03/19/2015 22:43:35 [INFO] Path is a directory
03/19/2015 22:43:35 [INFO] Path is on a fixed disk drive.
03/19/2015 22:43:35 [INFO] Validating path C:\Windows\NTDS.
03/19/2015 22:43:35 [INFO] Path is a directory
03/19/2015 22:43:35 [INFO] Path is on a fixed disk drive.
03/19/2015 22:43:35 [INFO] Validating path C:\Windows\SYSVOL.
03/19/2015 22:43:35 [INFO] Path is on a fixed disk drive.
03/19/2015 22:43:35 [INFO] Path is on an NTFS volume
03/19/2015 22:43:35 [INFO] Child domain creation -- check the new domain name is child of parent domain name.
03/19/2015 22:43:35 [INFO] Domain Creation -- check that the flat name is unique.
03/19/2015 22:43:40 [INFO] Start the worker task
03/19/2015 22:43:40 [INFO] Request for promotion returning 0
03/19/2015 22:43:42 [INFO] Using supplied domain controller: DCA0.a0.lab
03/19/2015 22:43:42 [INFO] Using supplied site: Lab
03/19/2015 22:43:42 [INFO] Forcing time sync
03/19/2015 22:43:42 [INFO] Forcing a time sync with DCA0.a0.lab
03/19/2015 22:43:42 [INFO] Reading domain policy from the domain controller DCA0.a0.lab
03/19/2015 22:43:42 [INFO] Stopping service NETLOGON
03/19/2015 22:43:42 [INFO] Stopping service NETLOGON
03/19/2015 22:43:42 [INFO] ControlService(STOP) on NETLOGON returned 0(gle=1062)
03/19/2015 22:43:42 [INFO] Exiting service-stop loop after service NETLOGON entered STOPPED state
03/19/2015 22:43:42 [INFO] StopService on NETLOGON returned 0
03/19/2015 22:43:42 [INFO] Configuring service NETLOGON to 1 returned 0
03/19/2015 22:43:42 [INFO] Stopped NETLOGON
03/19/2015 22:43:42 [INFO] Creating the System Volume C:\Windows\SYSVOL
03/19/2015 22:43:42 [INFO] Deleting current sysvol path C:\Windows\SYSVOL
03/19/2015 22:43:44 [INFO] Preparing for system volume replication using root C:\Windows\SYSVOL
03/19/2015 22:43:44 [INFO] Created the system volume
03/19/2015 22:43:44 [INFO] Copying initial Directory Service database file C:\Windows\system32\ntds.dit to C:\Windows\NTDS\ntds.dit
03/19/2015 22:43:44 [INFO] Installing the Directory Service
03/19/2015 22:43:44 [INFO] Calling NtdsInstall for a1.a0.lab
03/19/2015 22:43:44 [INFO] Starting Active Directory Domain Services installation
03/19/2015 22:43:44 [INFO] Validating user supplied options
03/19/2015 22:43:44 [INFO] Determining a site in which to install
03/19/2015 22:43:44 [INFO] Examining an existing forest...
03/19/2015 22:43:44 [INFO] Configuring the local computer to host Active Directory Domain Services
03/19/2015 22:43:48 [INFO] EVENTLOG (Informational): NTDS General / Service Control : 1094
Software write caching for the following disk drive has been disabled to prevent possible data loss during system failures such as power outages or hardware component failures that can cause a sudden shutdown of the system. The disk drive that stores Active Directory Domain Services log files is the only drive affected by this change.
Disk drive:
03/19/2015 22:43:59 [INFO] EVENTLOG (Informational): NTDS Database / Internal Processing : 2013
Active Directory Domain Services is rebuilding the following number of indices as part of the initialization process.
Number of indices:
LCL_ABVIEW_index00000410 +ATTb590468
03/19/2015 22:43:59 [INFO] EVENTLOG (Informational): NTDS Database / Internal Processing : 2014
Active Directory Domain Services successfully completed rebuilding the following number of indices.
03/19/2015 22:44:00 [INFO] EVENTLOG (Informational): NTDS General / Internal Configuration : 2120
This Active Directory Domain Services server does not support the Recycle Bin. Deleted objects may be undeleted, however, when an object is undeleted, some attributes of that object may be lost. Additionally, attributes of other objects that refer to the object being undeleted may also be lost.
03/19/2015 22:44:00 [INFO] EVENTLOG (Informational): NTDS General / Internal Configuration : 2405
This Active Directory Domain Services server does not support the "Recycle Bin Feature" optional feature.
03/19/2015 22:44:00 [INFO] Replicating the schema directory partition
我发现本文这意味着如果管理员帐户在新 DC 和您登录的域上具有相同的密码,则可能会发生此错误;由于这些是 Azure VM,我根本没有使用内置管理员帐户,但实际上我在第一次测试期间在所有服务器上都使用了相同的用户名和密码,因此我猜测这确实可能是导致错误的原因;但是,我已经重建了所有服务器,并在每个服务器(AdmA0、AdmA1、AdmA2......)上创建了一个不同的本地管理员帐户,并使用不同的密码;我还确保在表单中指定了父域的凭据A0\AdmA0
但是,根据本文所述,只有在禁用 TCP/IP 上的 NetBIOS 时才会发生此问题,但实际上它已启用,这可以在输出中得到验证ipconfig
。我还尝试使用静态网络设置配置虚拟机,而不是使用 DHCP(这是 Azure 所需的),并强制将 TCP/IP 上的 NetBIOS 设置为“已启用”,但总是发生错误;升级过程成功的唯一方法是使用“长”凭据。
然而,这似乎确实是 Azure 特有的怪癖:我在本地 Hyper-V 服务器上创建了一个相同的测试环境,一切都正常。
看起来要么是 Azure 在网络级别做了一些奇怪的事情阻止了 NetBIOS,要么是 Azure Windows Server 2012 R2 VM 模板有一些奇怪的与 NetBIOS 相关的行为,导致 DC 提升以这种特殊的方式失败。
Does Virtual Network support multicast or broadcast?
No. We do not support multicast or broadcast.
Azure 虚拟网络不支持广播;因此,即使启用了 NetBIOS,它也无法工作。而且它看起来像 Windows Server 2012 R2真的需要它才能使 DC 促销发挥作用。
解决方法:在 DC 升级期间使用“长”登录凭据(full.domain.fqdn\username
至于为什么Azure 虚拟网络不支持广播,并且如何他们能在如此严重依赖 DHCP 的情况下做到这一点吗?这超出了我的理解能力。我也不太确定我真的想理解;众所周知,Azure 网络相当 奇特。