我在使用 HP P410 256mb 缓存控制器和 4x 消费级 ssd(三星 EVO 850)RAID5/10 时遇到了奇怪的写入 iops 限制。将 HP P410 控制器升级到最新固件(6.64)后,问题仍然存在。
iostat 输出:
Device: rrqm/s wrqm/s r/s w/s rkB/s wkB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz await r_await w_await svctm %util
sda 0.00 0.00 1.00 158.00 36.00 15631.00 197.07 12.16 75.84 6.00 76.28 6.30 100.10
158 writes/s and 100 % util.
我的 hpacucli 输出:
=> ctrl all show config detail
Smart Array P410 in Slot 2
Bus Interface: PCI
Slot: 2
Serial Number: PACCR9SYLZ34
Cache Serial Number: PACCQ9SYP5CK
RAID 6 (ADG) Status: Disabled
Controller Status: OK
Hardware Revision: C
Firmware Version: 6.62
Rebuild Priority: Medium
Expand Priority: Medium
Surface Scan Delay: 15 secs
Surface Scan Mode: Idle
Queue Depth: Automatic
Monitor and Performance Delay: 60 min
Elevator Sort: Enabled
Degraded Performance Optimization: Disabled
Inconsistency Repair Policy: Disabled
Wait for Cache Room: Disabled
Surface Analysis Inconsistency Notification: Disabled
Post Prompt Timeout: 0 secs
Cache Board Present: True
Cache Status: OK
Cache Ratio: 100% Read / 0% Write
Drive Write Cache: Disabled
Total Cache Size: 256 MB
Total Cache Memory Available: 144 MB
No-Battery Write Cache: Disabled
Battery/Capacitor Count: 0
SATA NCQ Supported: True
Array: A
Interface Type: Solid State SATA
Unused Space: 0 MB
Status: OK
Array Type: Data
Logical Drive: 1
Size: 698.6 GB
Fault Tolerance: RAID 5
Heads: 255
Sectors Per Track: 32
Cylinders: 65535
Strip Size: 256 KB
Full Stripe Size: 768 KB
Status: OK
Caching: Enabled
Parity Initialization Status: Initialization Failed
Unique Identifier: 600508B1001C8929D0C6820FB103773E
Disk Name: /dev/sda
Mount Points: None
Logical Drive Label: A516FD0DPACCR9SYLZ3435C0
Drive Type: Data
physicaldrive 1I:1:1
Port: 1I
Box: 1
Bay: 1
Status: OK
Drive Type: Data Drive
Interface Type: Solid State SATA
Size: 250 GB
Firmware Revision: EMT01B6Q
Serial Number: S21PNSAG270000F
Model: ATA Samsung SSD 850
SATA NCQ Capable: True
SATA NCQ Enabled: True
Current Temperature (C): 30
Maximum Temperature (C): 70
SSD Smart Trip Wearout: Not Supported
PHY Count: 1
PHY Transfer Rate: 3.0Gbps
physicaldrive 1I:1:2
Port: 1I
Box: 1
Bay: 2
Status: OK
Drive Type: Data Drive
Interface Type: Solid State SATA
Size: 250 GB
Firmware Revision: EMT01B6Q
Serial Number: S21PNSAG269993V
Model: ATA Samsung SSD 850
SATA NCQ Capable: True
SATA NCQ Enabled: True
Current Temperature (C): 32
Maximum Temperature (C): 70
SSD Smart Trip Wearout: Not Supported
PHY Count: 1
PHY Transfer Rate: 3.0Gbps
physicaldrive 1I:1:3
Port: 1I
Box: 1
Bay: 3
Status: OK
Drive Type: Data Drive
Interface Type: Solid State SATA
Size: 250 GB
Firmware Revision: EMT01B6Q
Serial Number: S21PNSAG269984Z
Model: ATA Samsung SSD 850
SATA NCQ Capable: True
SATA NCQ Enabled: True
Current Temperature (C): 31
Maximum Temperature (C): 70
SSD Smart Trip Wearout: Not Supported
PHY Count: 1
PHY Transfer Rate: 3.0Gbps
physicaldrive 1I:1:4
Port: 1I
Box: 1
Bay: 4
Status: OK
Drive Type: Data Drive
Interface Type: Solid State SATA
Size: 250 GB
Firmware Revision: EMT01B6Q
Serial Number: S21PNSAG269998N
Model: ATA Samsung SSD 850
SATA NCQ Capable: True
SATA NCQ Enabled: True
Current Temperature (C): 31
Maximum Temperature (C): 70
SSD Smart Trip Wearout: Not Supported
PHY Count: 1
PHY Transfer Rate: 3.0Gbps
SEP (Vendor ID PMCSIERA, Model SRC 8x6G) 250
Device Number: 250
Firmware Version: RevC
WWID: 500143800694906F
Model: SRC 8x6G
有人遇到过 HP P410 的这个问题吗?
- 您没有任何控制器写入缓存或电池供电或闪存电容器。
- HP Smart Array P410 控制器的 IOPS 容量有限。它与 SSD 不太匹配。
- 在 Smart Array P410 上使用 SATA 驱动器会导致接口速度降档至3.0Gbps而不是6.0Gbps。
- 请尝试使用 RAID 1+0。RAID5 不适合这种设备组合。
- 此外,你的RAID5 奇偶校验初始化失败,根据您的
Parity Initialization Status: Initialization Failed
另请参阅:SSD(Intel 530)在 RAID 10 下读写速度非常慢和HP ACU 显示智能阵列控制器上的奇偶校验初始化失败
MLC SSD 确实需要快速的私有 DRAM 缓存来提供高 IOPS 值。
虽然您的控制器有自己的缓存并且已启用,但磁盘的私有 DRAM 缓存已被禁用。这是一项安全措施,因为启用不受保护(免受断电影响)的缓存可能会使您的数据面临风险。
有时重新启用它是安全的(例如:您的磁盘具有断电保护,或者您的控制器正确地将 ATA FLUSH / FUA 命令传播到下游磁盘),但如果没有测试,您无法 100% 确定。一些 RAID 控制器甚至不允许重新启用磁盘的私有 DRAM 缓存。
为了测试目的,您可以尝试重新启用它并重新测试您的阵列,但要非常小心地将其投入生产。如果可能,请使用具有断电保护的 SSD(Crucial M550/M600 具有部分保护,而 Intel S3500/3700/DC 系列具有满的電源保護)。